14. he knows and i know he knows

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I don't remember much.

I remember being pulled from the water and carried bridal style back to the shore.
My body was still in pain and I felt numbness in my legs and arms.

"We should take him to a hospital" kyoyas voice sounded distant to my ears. Everyone sounds so far away and yet I know how close they are.

"No hospitals" my voice sounded croaky and broken. My throat is in pain. It hurts.

I felt the arms holding me tighten. There warm and comforting. I feel safe. So safe that I let my gaurd down and let the tiredness take over me.

I don't know how long I was out for but when I came too it was dark put.
And I was in a bed. My clothes were different and my head was on a towel so I wouldnt soak the pillow.

I want to see the others I need to see if haruhi is okay.
So I got off of the bed. At first my legs were wobbly but I got ust to it. I held onto the walls for support.

I opened the door and was instantly hit with the bright lights in the hallways. Oh god thats bright.
I clung to the wall and made it down the hallway to an open area where everyone was sat on a large table. They all looked gloomy and blue.

"Is haruhi okay?" I asked as I looked at the table. My eyes fell on her and I let out a relieved sigh. Once that sentence left my mouth all eyes were on me. Heres my chance to appologise. "I'm sorry. I shouldve told you all but I have my reasons. And I'm sorry I was a bother."

Before anyone could respond to this haruhi excused herself to go puke. This made me laugh a bit. She's never been to well with loads of seafood.
Kyoya left to go help her find her room when she's done. Mori came on over and put out his arm for me to hold onto and walked me over to the table like a gentleman. I thanked him and sat on one of the seats. He instantly ran around the table with a plate trying to get one of everything. He set the plate infront of me and grabbed my glass before running off somewhere.

"I'm sorry for being a bother. I'll get my share of the vase money to you and quit the club." I bowed my head to them. Mori returned and placed the glass down infront of me. I gave him another thank you. He took a seat next to me and looked around at the faces of the club members. All of which were showing confusion.

"Why would you do that?" Tamaki asked me. I looked up from my plate and realised that they didn't seem to follow my train of thought.

"I lied to you? I deceived you all into thinking I was a girl when I'm not. I based my life around a series of lies and you all got mixed up in them. So I understand leaving the host club will make things better." I explained to them all. It was silent for a moment untill the twins burst out laughing.

"Oh my god koaru did you hear that?"

"I did! He thinks he can get away from us that easy!" they laughed out. Honey began to giggle and tamaki was holding back a laugh.

"Tsukiyama. We don't hate you." Mori told me as he took a hold of my hand. "We get that you did it for a reason. We don't mind. We just want to make sure your not in any danger." I smiled and shook my head no.

"Not as much danger as tamaki without sunscreen" I joked. The laughter got louder and tamaki jumped up defending himself.

"Whatever! Kyoya has sunscreen im gonna go get some! Everyone go bed!"

He stormed out of the room and down the hall.

They don't hate me? But I thought that after everything... they'd want nothing more than to get rid of me....I get that haruhi's hiding her gender but not to the host club she was very upfront about it....

I was so in thought I didn't realise that mori had intertwined our fingers and walked me back to the room we were in before.

He sat me down on the bed and sat besides me. He knew I was in thought about everything so he just sat there ready to lend a hand if need be.

I was brought back to reality when I felt his head go on my shoulder. I tilted my head and put it on top of his.

"Thank you mori. For everything. Im sorry I never told you. And that I lied telling you I have a sister. Well I do but I'm sorry for lying to you saying that me in a wig was a girl. And I'm sorry I never told you we went to school together. And I'm sorry I never told you about me being your servant. Im sorry abou-" I was cut off by his lips on mine.

It calms me down when he does this. And to his advantage it shuts me up.
He pulled away and smiled at me. I know how red my face is. I imagine it to resemble a tomato.

"I knew who you were from the start" he told me as we stared into each others eyes. "Since the vase. Of course i knew it was you. You've been my personal servant since I was 15. I've liked you since I was 15. I would know you even if you had a full face mask on."

" like me? There seems to be a lot of that going around lately" I giggled and looked down at our hands. "Sawada told me he like me too, well he said love but anyway. He knows I'm a guy. And he said he loved me."

There was a knock on the door and kyoya came in. I instantly let go of takashi's hand and put mine on my lap.

"Hello Tsukiyama I've come to check up on you. Is there anything you need?" He asked. Kyoyas so nice sometimes.

"Um actually can you get me a number? The name is ayako koshumia." He nodded and tapped away on a laptop he pulled outta thin air. My phone went off from the desk.

"There you are. Your aunts number is now on your phone. Shall I send for a maid in the morning or will you wake up on your own?"

Mori stood up and walked over to kyoya to talk to him about something. I went over to go see my phone.
Kyoya hasn't just sent the number to my phone but also where she is and what she's been up to for the past few years. I saved her number and left the phone alone for now.

I spun around to talk to mori but I didn't exactly get a chance to say anything. He gently pushed me up against the wall and kissed me passionately. I was caught off gaurd so it took me a bit to kiss back. He slid one hand around my waist and the other made its way to my ass. He squeezed my ass and I yelped. He shoved his tongue in my mouth and explored my mouth things were getting heated. Really heated. We had to separate for oxygen.
He didn't stay away for long though he began to place kisses and love bites on my neck trying to find the spot that made me make the noise last time. He found it and I made that Same noise again. I hated it. I covered my mouth with my hand and tried to stop the noises as mori bit harder and more rough on that spot.

"Takashi" he looked at me with his low lidded eyes. "The others are trying to sleep" I warned him. He chuckled and moved over to my ear.

"You should keep quiet then" he whispered before nibbling on my earlobe.

He and I began to make out up against the wall. My hands playing with his hair and his holding me as if I would run from his grasp.
He slowly moved me off of the wall and picked me up by my ass. I wrapped my legs around him and he made his way over to the bed. He layed me down and got on top of me. We separated once more and I smiled.
I swiftly turned out bodies over so I was on top of him. He was shocked for a moment but came around when I kissed him.

I slowly moved my leg between his and at a tourerously slow pase moved my leg up and down his area. He grunted a few times and I smirked into our kiss.

"TAKASHI!! ARE WE HAVING A SLEEPOVER??" honeys voice rang out from outside.

"Did you lock the door?" I asked mori but he shook his head no. Oh for fuck sake.

I jumped off of takashi and ran to the bathroom. I ran my head under the tap making my hair wet and grabbed a towel. I wet that a bit and put it around my neck. I walked out and into the other room again where honey stood by the bed and mori sat under the quilt cover.

"Takashi bathrooms all yours" I said as I walked in Making it look like I had just got out the shower. Mori got up FaSt and practically ran to the shower. "You might need a cold one" I winked at him. He smiled and shook his head.

"Hey honey whats up?"

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