Origins part one

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Today when I walked in Marinette was talking to that new chick Alya. I think she is closer to her than she is with me and we have known each other since we were six.


"I'm sure he'll be here soon Chloe"

Ugh Chloe and Sabrina.

"Hey Marinette, Alya."

"Hey yin." Marinette replied

"Hey yin look at this."

Alya showed me a video of a beautiful blonde hair boy with emerald eyes.

"Who's he?"

"Marinette, you don't know Adrien Agreste?"

Me and Alya both asked in unison.

"Agreste? Isn't he the son of my favourite fashion designer Gabriel Agreste?"

Asked Marinette


I blushed.

Isn't he coming today?

Chloe wouldn't shut up about it

We're the thoughts in my head.

"Ooh Marinette. We have a blusher in here."

I blushed deeper.

"S-so? He is a guy. I'm a guy. He won't acknowledge me anyway.

Boy was I wrong.


"Alright everyone sit down. We have a new student today. This is Adrien Agreste, the son of fashion icon Gabriel Agreste."

The blonde walked in and instantly noticed me.

I always thought I was hidden ". I mean I sit at the back with Nathaniel who I'm pretty sure is crushing on me.

"Why don't you sit next to yin at the back?"

"Yes Mrs.."


That's why there is a spare seat next to me.

(In the back row it's adrien then you then Nathaniel.)

"Hey yin right?"

Adrien asked me as he blushed when he said my name.

"Y-Yeah and this is Nathaniel but I call him Nath."

Bath gave him a sheepish wave as he continued to sketch the Louvre.


I went home when a baddie showed up but Adrien offered to let me stay at his for a bit.


When we got there, we went to his room.

"You call this a room? It's more like a modern mansion! It's bigger than my house!"

"Huh yeah it's quite big."

"What's this box for?"

I asked pointing at  a small black and red box with a symbol on.

"This is new."

Adrien went up to it and opened it. A black circle spun around him then greeted him.

"I'm hungry."

He started to fly around looking for food.


"So this thing, Plagg, likes Camembert. That's funny I know a girl who's parents own a bakery."

"Wow free Camembert?!" Plagg asked.

"Eh sure but you'll only get it if you behave for Adrien." I said hinting at Adrien to transform. He understood.


I instantly blushed.

"Yin are you okay?"


"So uhh are you gonna go home or are you coming?"

"Sure uhh."

"Chat Noir. Yeah Chat Noir ." He smirked.

I laughed.

"W-What? Did I do something wrong? You're my first friend."

"No it's just that- wait what I'm your only friend?"

"Y-Yeah father doesn't let me have friends."

"Then I'll be glad to show you the ropes and maybe after a while, you can teach me the ropes of being Chat Noir.

"Yeah sure."

We both blushed.

He put his hand on my hip as he jumped out his window and used his staff.

This was cool yet scary.


"Wherever the villain is yin."

gayday1227 here, I hope you enjoyed chapter one and thx to @Chi_ingshadow for the idea of this book because I want to add yin/reader into the show so i took inspiration from your Bol so thx for writing it I guess

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