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I know that this is the season three episode but I thought I could swap them for more character development. :)

I was watching the ladyblog when I got a call from Alya.
"Yo talk to me."
"Me, Nino and Marinette are going with Adrien to the wax museum and you're coming with us."
"I thought Marinette had Manon today."
"Ok then make it me, Nino, Marinette, Manon and you."
"K I'll be there in ten."
"No, we're going get you."

I wonder where imma sit cuz Adrien's car has five seats and there is seven of us. Manon could sit on Mari's lap and I could just like sit in the boot or something. I got dressed and waited for the others. I took my phone and 25 euros.

When I got in, there was Manon on Mari's lap and Alya and Nino were next to each other.
"Yin you'll have to go in the boot." Adrien said.
"O-ok." I clambered into the boot and Manon was staring at me.
"Hello." I said trying to start a conversation.
"H-hi." She said nervously.
"How long has Marinette been looking after you?"
"Two years. Marinette he pictures of you in her room with hearts around them."
Marinette looked mortified and blushed. I saw this and helped her out.
"It's for a new pattern she is working on and she needs me to help her so she put it there as a reminder."
"Oh ok!" Manon said happy.
Marinette looked at me with a look of relief.
I winked at her then she giggled. Adrien saw this and smiled at me then Mari. I got a message from Adrien.


Do you like Mari?


Not really but i think she likes me tho. I mean we have known each other for like forever. Why? Are u jealous?


No! I just kinda ship it. Mari-yin (Mari-( your first letters of your name)


When we got there, Manon ran off towards the statues as this lady blabbed on about the wax.

Time- skip

Alya, Nino and Manon went away and Mari ran towards the door. Adrien gave her the sad face he gives me all the time when he is at my window as Chat.
"Nino told me-"
"What happened? I was with Manon." I asked.
"Nino told me that Mari doesn't like me as a friend."
"I'm sure Nino got it all wrong as he usually does." I replied as Adrien laughed.
"So you do like me as a friend Marinette?" He asked.
"Yes. W-we're g-go-Great friends."
"I'm glad you like me."
"Uhh Mari can I see you for a sec." I asked.
I took her to the other side of the room.
"Do you have a crush on him?"
"What no?!"
"Ok yes I do."
"Cool but you need to tell him soon."
"I'll send you tips through texts but imma go toilet. See ya in a bit." I smiled and went to the door.
"Just going toilet see ya in a bit guys!"
I left.

I heard a scream that sounded like Alya.
I ran towards the sound and saw her paused and bubbled. I heard footsteps and drop kicked the person and it was a wax bubbler.
"I think I'll turn you to wax first!" I hear Manon's voice say behind me.
"Manon?" I asked as I turned.
"No! I'm the puppeteer!"
I sprinted away towards the bathroom.
"Saas, scales slither!"
I barged into the room Mari and Adrien were in.
"Emergency! Please stay calm! Young lady, please be cautious. I will be back in a minute!"
I took Adrien out of the room and through a window into an alleyway. I jumped back into the room.
"Grab on miss."
I leapt our if the room and took Mari into a different alleyway so Adrien could transform.
"Stay safe ma'am."
I leapt away to trigger an Akuma alert.

Part two soon cuz it is late here and I need sleep lol so uh enjoy and comment your favourite bit (if u want)

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