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When I got home I de-transformed.

"Saas scales rest."

I groaned.

"I don't like the feeling of getting cataclysmed."

"Me either."

I tossed Saas a slice of spare Camembert I had for Plaag.

"Oh shit! The cheese for Plaag!"

I called Adrien.

'What did Adrien mean by losing another close one? He lost his mum but does he know I'm Blue Serpent ( new name: blue serpent. If fits)

Omg he does'

'No he doesn't.'

"Yin, yin? Can you hear me?" Came Adriens confused voice through the phone.

"Y-Yeah um adrien, I have some cheese I didn't get to give Plaag because you were with that new hero. Blue serpent ( every name after this is now blue serpent ok?)

"Yeah. I uh kinda cataclysmed him in the back sorta transforming behind a bench mid day during the fight be no one saw me."


"Yeah so uh I'll be there in ten."

I hung up.

'He doesn't know.'

'He does'

'No he doesn't!'

'Yes he does!'


'Fine whatever.' That voice rolled it eyes.

There was a tap on my window.

"Quick hide Saas!" I whisper-shouted.

I slid open my balcony door.

It was Chat.

"You're early." I said cautiously.

"You're mine."

I froze.


He punched my gut and balls.

I blacked out.

I woke up a while later.

"I didn't want to hurt my prince." Came a seductive voice.

"You're not Ad- Chat Noir! What are you like 20?? I'm 15 you pedo!


When I got home I talked to Adrien.


Ayo thx for the save! I still can't believe I almost lost my virginity to a pedo! I thought I would be a hot chick I lost it to.


No problem. Just be careful next time ok?


Ok kitty. 😉

Oh that cheese!


It's ok. Plaag has some anyway.

Bye yin


Bye adrien 👋

I went to sleep with: no supper, no clue on what to do and no virginity.

Ah well. What can ya do about it?


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