The bubbler

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As soon as I got up, I called Adrien.

"Hey adrien. Happy birthday!"

"Thanks yin. My father isn't letting me have a part today as usual."

"Y'know what? Imma talk to your dad about that."

"No it's fine yin. You don't need to."

Plagg was then heard.

"Yin how is that cheese collection going?"

"Don't worry plagg, Marinette has given me some."


"So adrien... I uh got you a gift. I made it for you."

"T-thanks yin."

He blushed.

I giggled

"Adrien, you look as red as a tomato."

"Yeah I know. See ya at school later."

"Yeah bye."

I started to get dressed as I watched the news.

"There hasn't been an attack in almost a week!"

"Wow." I said sarcastically at the screen.

I put on a f/c (favourite colour) ((but I'm sure u knew that)) shirt and some joggers.

"Bye mum bye dad!" I called as I left home to walk to school. I listened to some post malone on my way.

(It can be any song idc)

(( I know this is set in 2015 but this song is a bop))

I saw adrien say to nino he had a photo shoot and nino went away. Oof. I saw an old man struggle to walk so I helped him.



There I was. Being held hostage by the bubbler. Cat appeared to take us all to safety ( so I'm rewriting the show a bit idc)

"So [insert cool nickname for a brunette/ brunet] where do you live?"

"Uhh. [wherever the he'll u wanna live in paris]."

"Ok then."

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