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woke up thanks to my alarm. It's Friday

I groaned and did my morning routine.


Copycat got de-evilised.

"I wonder where blue serpent was." Said Chat.

"He was probably busy." I said quickly.

I went up to the man.

"What's your name and age? If you don't mind me asking."

"I'm theó and I'm 26."

"So your eleven years older than me. *mumbles* pedo."

"I didn't do anything w-wrong to anyone did I?"

"Honestly. Yes. I lost my virginity to you mr. Pedo."

He gulped.

*end of flashback.*

Before I knew it, I was at school."

"Hey yin." Adrien greeted at me as he gave me a cautious look.

"Hey Adrien."

"Do you wanna talk about yesterday?" He asked as we walked into class.


"Did anyone else hear that annoying voice."

"Chlo (adriens nickname for Chloè) that was a bit of a dick comment."

"WHAT? Moi?"

Adrien rolled his eyes as we went to our seats.


Chat picked me up and took me home.

"Thanks Adrien."

"If you wanna talk about it I'm here."

"I know my kitty."

He nodded and was about to jump off the rooftop.

"Adrien," he turned around. "I-I.. L- thanks."

He blushed a bit.

"No problem."

*end of flashback*

"Y/N are you ok?"

I turn around to see my partner.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine Nath."

Cat Noir x Male reader: season one.Where stories live. Discover now