What happened?

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I slipped in and out of consciousness as I wa being lifted by the villain.


Chat Noir's staff hit his fist to help me escape.

"Hey there snake need a helping paw?"

"Thanks for the assist kitty." I booped him on the nose.

"Well, if it isn't the cat, the bug and the snake!"

We all turned around to see a purple and black figure.

"You're a tad late! The climax was five minutes ago!"

"I'm not here to help you!"

"Ladybug, Cat Noir, snake boy. Give me your miraculous!"


"Who? And I'm not snake boy! I'm Snakee bleu!" (Snake bleu or blue serpent?)

"He is the guy who makes the villains."

"Piece of piss."

Chat pointed his staff at him like a sword and Ladybug got her yo-yo in a shield spin as I activated my power.

"Second Chance!"

"You're going to run out of time! I have longer than all of you combined!"

"Lucky Charm!"


Hawkmoth hit Chat who slipped into me then it all went black.


I woke up a few minutes later.

"The f*ck happened?" I asked groggily.

"Chat Noir used his cataclysm in you and you died but my lucky charm, a toilet roll, helped me undo that and all the damage caused but Hawkmoth got away. I'll explain it tomorrow. I gotta go! Bug-out!"

"Ladybug," I grabbed her wrist. "Thank you."

"Anytime Snakee." She jumped off into the sunset.

"I feel weird."

Cat Noir x Male reader: season one.Where stories live. Discover now