Saaya Yamabuki x Depressed Male Reader (Part 1)

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(Author's Note: Requested by YukiRen9201.)

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm a guy who were born different than normal kids out there. I have no parents because they died when I'm at middle school, leaving me all by myself. No one's willing to adopt me, so I would end up being independent myself. Good thing I managed to adapt easily, but that's not enough to cure my depression.

I really wanted to end my life, but I don't want to end it instantly. I'm going to do it slow and painful to make a lesson to not return to this world ever again if I don't want to suffer.

Present day...

(Y/N)'s House

Thursday, Morning

Another day of me living in this sad world and I'm getting ready to go to school. Once I have done everything, I locked the front door and walk through the neighborhood.

???: Good morning!

I heard someone greeting me and it's a girl around my age. It's Saaya Yamabuki, the drummer of a band girls named Poppin'Party. She's also my friend. I didn't greet her back because I have no mood to do so.

Saaya: What's wrong?

(Y/N): Good morning, Saaya.

She was confused as to why am I so gloomy.

Saaya: Don't be sad. Here.

She offered me a paper bag filled with pastry from her shop.

Saaya: I make this for you.

She gave me a warm smile as I took the paper bag off her hand.

(Y/N): Th-Thank you. Anyway, I'll see you-

Saaya: Wait.

She grabbed my hand as I stop walking.

Saaya: I want to walk with you together.

(Y/N): But, I thought that you have your friends.

Saaya: I already told them I'll be going to school with you.

Looks like I have no excuses to counter her argument. So, I accept her offer at last.

(Y/N): Fine.

Saaya: Thank you.

We walked to school together with Saaya being so close to me. I tried distancing myself a few inches away from her, but she would be close to me anyway.

Saaya: Alright, I guess this is where we part ways. I'll see you later. Bye.

She waved a bit before parting ways from me to her class. I got to say she seems to be a nice person. But, I don't need her kindness to restore my will to live.

As I pass through the hallway, I accidentally bumped onto someone. The person got angered by me and scold me.

Bully: Watch where you're going, edgy boy.

(Y/N): I-I'm sorry.

Bully: Sorry? Here's your forgiveness!

He said before punching me at the face really hard. I couldn't fight back since the injury in my arms restrict me from doing so. Once he's done, I fell down to the floor.

Bully: Man, you're so weak.

He took my wallet and grab all of my money from there. Luckily, it's not much and I kept some at a place that I'm the only one knows.

Male Reader x BanG Dream Girls Band Party One-Shot (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now