Saaya Yamabuki x Depressed Male Reader (Part 2)

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(Author's Note: Requested by YukiRen9201.)

Saaya's POV

Why, (Y/N)? Why?

Why did you tried to kill yourself?

Is it because of you wanting to see your parents?

What about me?

I asked myself those questions so many times when (Y/N) wants to commit suicide without me knowing. I'm at the hospital right now hoping that (Y/N) is fine and would wake up.



Sunday, Morning

I'm on my way to (Y/N)'s house to pay him a visit. Just like my first visit before, I brought him some gift. I'm at the front of his house and greet him.

Saaya: (Y/N), are you there?

No response coming from (Y/N) and this make me slightly worried of him.

Saaya: That's weird. From what I know, he didn't go outside that often. I guess I'll just enter and apologize to him later for barging in.

So, I excused myself and entered the house. I went to the kitchen and I saw something horrifying happened.








(Y/N) was on the floor with his wrist bleeding. I saw a knife that has blood on the sharp edge.

Saaya: (Y/N)!!!

I panicked as I pulled out my phone and call the ambulance immediately. I went to (Y/N) and he's unconscious. Luckily, he's still breathing and I used my shirt to press on the wrist to stop the bleeding.

Saaya: Hang in there, (Y/N)! Help is on the way!

His face is getting pale from blood loss, so I prayed that the ambulance would come quick. Around 10 minutes later, I can hear the siren and the ambulance have arrived at the front of (Y/N)'s house.

The medical team went to carry (Y/N) into the bed. I came along with the ambulance to watch him. His condition is getting stable as we get there, but he's still not awake.

We arrived at the hospital and they immediately brought him out into the building. I followed along with the medical team running and stopped right at the front of the emergency room door.


A few hours later...

It's been an hour, and there's no news yet from the doctor. I'm at outside of the emergency room, waiting for (Y/N) to finish his surgery. Then, the door opened and a doctor in a white coat shows up.

Saaya: Doctor, how was (Y/N)'s condition?

Doctor: Slow down. I want to ask you something first. Are you someone related to the patient named (Y/N)?

Saaya: Yeah, I'm his friend.

Doctor: Can you tell me your name?

Saaya: Saaya Yamabuki.

Doctor: Well then Saaya-san, I'm so sorry to inform you that...

He paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

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