Oh no

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I start thinking to myself how can Sam possibly like me I like No I'm in love with Colby I walk up to Colby and kiss him in front of Sam and his face goes mad. Then I sit on Colbys lap he was in the couch watching TV, Kat came and sat on Sam's lap and he just acted happy I wonder if Colby and I did a break up prank if he'll tell me then. I whisper in colbys ear " I think to test if Sam would do anything is if he did a break up prank if you're okay with that" Colby nodded his head. Later that night Colby and I go into his room and we wait to hear Sam in his room, then he hear him okay it's time to start the prank.

"Colby how could you, you know that I said I didn't want to do anything" I said trying to hold my laugh back.

" Anna I don't care what you want you were a side chick anyways so Fuck you" Colby said holding my hand mouthing "I love you"

"You know I thought this could workout but I guess not so you and me are done I hate you" I said slamming the door to his room.

I knock on Sam's door *fake* crying and he opened the door and hugged me. " I heard everything I'm so sorry Anna" I look at him " You-you we're listening " I fake cry harder.

" I think I'm going to get a hotel room " I said

" no you can stay in my room " Sam said

"Y-you sure" I said fake crying

He nodded his head yes I went to the bathroom and changed into my pj's and I went into Sam's room and layed on the floor and faked going to bed. Sam picked me up and placed me on his bed and whispered "I could be a better boyfriend than him" shivers went down my spine.
He went to sleep on the floor and I texted Colby.

Colbs, Sam thought I went to bed and said "I could be a better boyfriend than him"

Wtf I thought he was my friend...I'm glad we did this to show Sam's true colours

End of texting

I woke up the next morning and I looked for Sam I didn't see him so I texted him.

Hey where'd you go?

I went out with Kat, why?

Someone said that you liked me is that ture?

Can we talk when I'm not with Kat Anna please.

Uhh yeah okay

Okay thanks see ya

End of texting

Sam got to the house about 2 hours later and he came upstairs into Colbys room.
"Get pranked" they said

I looked at them in confusion and said " what do you get pranked?"

"I don't like you like that no offense but Colby wanted to test your loyalty and you passed" Sam said laughing

Ohhh I'm so gonna get Colby for this just wait Colbs.

" I'll remember that, trust ME" I said staring Colby in the eyes not blinking.

I have to admit they got me goodd but this prank I'm planning he won't know what hit him, he messed with the wrong girl for pranks and ima laugh when I win couple wars.

Colby's POV

I wanted to test to see if Anna really loved me or just my money so I had talked to Kat and Sam asking them to help me and to my surprise they said yes so it was time to set it into place.

A few weeks later it was time to start this prank everything went just right but even better when she said that we should fake break up to see "if Sam likes her" I had Sam listen to conversation that her and I shared.

When she left I texted him saying " it's go time "

Later that night I was laying on my bed hoping Anna would text me telling me what I told Sam to say to her. Just then my phone buzzed.


Anna's name lighted my phone with a text.

Colbs, Sam thought I went to bed and said "I could be a better boyfriend than him"

Wtf I thought he was my friend...I'm glad we did this to show Sam's true

It hurt me saying this about Sam but good thing she's know tomorrow that it was prank.

Next morning

Sam texted me saying that Anna texted him and I said to keep going along with the prank and say his with Kat when really his downstairs.

Some time later Anna walked into my room and kissed me and hugged me. About 20 mins later Sam came up to my room saying "Get pranked" Anna looked really confused and he explained it to her luckily she wasn't mad but her words scared me a little bit.

"I'll remember that, trust ME" she said staring me in the eyes

What does she mean by that I'll remember that.

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