Hanging out

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Colby's has been very productive over me, It's honestly cute and I've been hanging out with the guys almost everyday just getting to know them more everyday, "Ughhh it's getting dark out Colbs" I try to get up from his bed and he grabbed by my waist and pulled me into him and started to cuddle, I laughed at little bit "Colbs please I cant drive in the night" He groaned " Just stay here with me" he said putting his face in the croak of my neck, "Colbs please" I said moving a little "Ughh fineeee" He wined and let's go with me then I left his room and went downstairs"BYE GUYS" I yelled throughout the whole house "PEACE" Everyone said then I left, I was driving when I noticed that headlights were in my rearview mirror I picked up my phone and called Colbs.

-A,Anna -C,Colby

"Hey Anna what's up?"-C "Colbs someone is following me they've been following me since I left your house"-A "Just come to my house and you can send the night  okay"-C "Okay I just down the street so see you in 5 mins"-A "Okay Princess"-C

Then he hang up so I texted Kat saying "hey imma stay at Colbs because its getting dark out love ya" then I started to realize that Colby called me Princess but it maybe because I'm younger than him I mean my older brother used to call me Princess because I was 2 years younger than him, but with Colby I'm only a year younger than him his 19 and I'm 18 I got back to Colbs house and the car that was following me was RIGHT BEHIND my car I was so scared because I didn't know what their intentions were so I texted Colby.

Phone messages

Colbs the car is in your driveway with me imma stay in the car until you come out.

Okay just breath okay and staying your car comin outside.

End of phone conversation

Colby's POV

I was so scared for Anna, so I grabbed a hoodie and walked outside and I didn't even walk 1 foot and I realized who's car it was so I texted the roommates that my Ex Shea was here and followed Anna. Anna got out of the car and started to run towards me and hidden behind me holding my waist and Shea stepped out of her car, Sam and Jake walked out of house Shea started to walk up to me slowly " Ummm bitch get off my boyfriend you fuckin whore" Shea said lookin Anna in the eyes I could feel the amount of jealousy in her voice and after she said that to Anna she stepped in front of me "Your boyfriend Haha ya right dumbass bitch" Anna laughed I felt so cared for at that moment so I put my hands around her waist and felt her lean into my touch At that moment I knew that she was going to be mine.

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