I Think It's Time

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" I wanted to know if you would like to go out with me?" Colby said pulling me up on my feet.
I couldn't help but smile. I kissed him and im guessing that he liked my answer because he was smiling.
"Yes I wold love too"
I kissed him again. He picked me up and spun me around in the middle of the kitchen. We heard footsteps and parted from each other. It was Mike
"Hey Anna your staying the night right ?" Mike said
"Yup but Colby offered for me to sleep in his room because the couch wasn't comfortable *laughs*" I said picking up my phone.
Mike gave me a sad look.
Huh I wonder why his looking down ill ask him in the morning.

Colby and I walk up to his room. I trun and looked at him.
"Well you said go away to Sam and Jake well im not Sam nor Jake so sorry" Colby said mocking me. I burst into laughter and Colby did as well. Colby picked me up threw me on to the bed and cuddled me.
" Yo does anyone know where Anna is?  She was going to sleep the couch" Someone yelled
" Yeah I gave Anna my bed because I felt bad for her sleeping on the couch" Colby yelled back

Sam walked into the door

"Yo whats happening in here are we getting freaky" sam said

I threw a pillow at Sam not expecting him to throw a tripod Colby caught before it could hit my knee.
"Night Sammy" I said laying down on the bed.
I laid the covers over my shoulder and I was getting ready for bed when I felt two strong arms warped around my waist. 

Colby POV

I put my arms around Anna's waist. I pulled her close to my chest and with every beat of her heart I fell deeper into my slumber.

Early in the morning.  I woke to Anna still fast asleep in my arms she was the most beautiful sleeper I've ever seen.  I kissed her forehead and slowly started getting up off of the bed. Once I got out of the bed I started getting dressed for the day. I wore a Grey long sleeve shirt and black ripped jeans.

It was mid afternoon and Anna finally woke up she was wearing my merch. Fuck she looks so fucking hot in that mrech I cant believe she mine.

Anna's POV

I woke up and looked around Colby's room for something to wear when  found this  bule hoodie that said " Take Chances " and this Grey sweats. I walked downstairs and went behind Colby and kissed his cheek.

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