The memories of us

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Akari's POV

Alone, always alone. I'm 15 years old, and I've been alone for years. My whole family deserted me. Their either dead or just....gone. Leaving me with my memories.

I do remember that day of blood, I had been sick for two years. My health wavers a bit from time to time ever since, but what puzzled me is that Sakiko, the Momoki's doctor always muttered "Curse of The twins" but I didn't have a why would she say that?

I have been wandering the land and mountains for a about three years now. Threw both human and sometimes animal...but mostly human. Unlike my clan, I never did forget the Sohma's. They were like a second family.


As the sunny spring day I was walking along a path. My stomach was growling at me, for I haven't eaten in four days. Then I came about to a garden filled with Leeks and Strawberrys. I hated leeks, but man I'm sure hungry enough to eat them. I hated doing this, but I was so hungry. So I started eating the Leeks and Strawberrys.

"Who are you?" A soft voice came from above me, I looked up with a guilty face. It was a girl with long light brown hair, and dirty brown eyes.

"I am soooo sorry!" I said, my lip started to quiver "I usually don't do this....but I was just so hungry..." I shifted uncomfortably. I had to bite my bottom lip from trembling.

The girl looked at me with pity "Here, come with me" she had gently grabbed my wrist and slowly lead me to a really familiar looking house. "My names Tohru by the way" she said kindly.

"I'm Akari" I told her, and smiled up at her. She had lead me to the dinning room, she ha sat me down "thank you"

Tohru nodded "Don't thank me, it was my pleasure" and she went to go make some tea.

"Hey Tohru have you seen my-" a violet/gray haired boy started to ask stepping into the dinning room, but stopped mid sentence when he noticed me.

"Yuki....." My voice faltered as I remembered he was the Rat from the Zodiac, and a member if the Sohma family. Yuki Sohma.

Yuki and I stared at each other "Akari" his voice was strained a he stepped closer to me "Akari Momoki?"

I flinched a little as he spoke as he spoke my name "Yuki Sohma" I repeated after him. I could tell my face was all scrunched up in what might be pain, or suprise.

"It's been a long time" Yuki mentioned, you could tell he was on his gaurd. He to saw the accident. He to knew something that I didn't. Like Sakiko did.

"Too long" I said plainly, I meant what did I expect? Him to hug me? It's not like we were great friends or anything. Even before my near-death experience.

To my suprise, he did hug me, tightly I might add. " I am glad you are doing well after all these years" he smiled.

You see, Momoki and Sohma was curse with the same type of curse, it doesn't have an effect if each other.

Tohru walked back into the room "How do you guy know each other?" She asked.

Yuki smiled at her "her family and my family have the same type of curse and been friends for years" he answered, then turned to Shigure who walked right into the room.

"We'll well looks like the little lamb lost her way" Shigure stated looking at me and smiled "we'll I guess your a young lady now" he gestured kindly.

"Well well the guy why likes high school girls grew more perverted than ever" I fired right back.

Shigure and Yuki laughed "Feisty as ever" Shigure commented, then turned serious "How will Kyou react to this?" He though out loud.

"React to what?" Kyou said crossly walking into the room. His reddish eyes looked over the room and landed on me "who is this?" He asked.

Those words were like a knife threw my I thought this was suppose to be my best friend. I scrunched up my nose and stood up and began to walk to the door. I had to go visit Akito anyways.

Yuki grabbed my wrist "Dint take it personally" he muttered and gave Kyou a glare

"Stop looking at me you damn rat!" Kyou yelled at at Yuki.

Yuki ignored Kyou "where are you going?" He asked me.

I turned to Yuki "Honestly? To visit Akito." Anger was dripping from my voice like venom.

Kyou stared at me "how do you know Akito?" He asked blocking my way out.

"Get out if my way" I muttered, I couldn't even look at Kyou. I couldn't believe he didn't remember me, it really pissed me off.

"No! Tell me how you know Akito!" He stepped closer to me, but ended up tripping over his feet and fell on top of me.

"Why didn't you..." He didn't even finish his sentence before I pushed him off of me. Didn't I mentioned the curse doesn't worth on the Momoki's or the Sohma's.

I rushed to the door "You know what sucks? Yuki remembered me, but my own best friend didn't" and I stormed out.


Kyou's POV

This day seemed to drag on forever. Why did I bother going out?

As soon as I arrived back to Shigure's house I knew something was up. So I walked into the house quietly. I slowly stepped near the dinning room. Then I heard Shigure speak.

"Well well looks like the little lamb lost her way" he stated. Who was he talking to? "Well I guess your a young lady now"

"Well well the guy who likes high school girls grew more perverted than ever" a soft, but feisty girls voice fired right back.

"Feisty as ever" Shigure and Yuki laughed, but then he grew serious "I wonder how Kyou will react to this"

That's when I stepped in "React to what?" I asked, probably sounding cross and pissed off. I looked over the room and saw the girl, she had long mid-waist brown hair and amber brown eyes seemed rater familiar. "Who is this?" I asked playing it safe.

Soon the girl stood up, as if to leave. Then Yuki grabbed her wrist and told her "don't take it too personally" and glared at me

"Stop looking at me you damn rat!" I yelled at Yuki, but he ignored me. God I hate that rat!

"Where are you going?" Yuki asked the girl.

The girl turned to Yuki "Honestly? I'm going to visit Akito"

How did she know Alito? Something was way too familiar about this girl! Arg! Why can't I think of it? I slowly moved in her path, blocking her only exit. "How did you know Akito?" I asked.

"Get out of my way" she muttered, but she wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"No! Tell me how you know Akito" I stepped towards her, only to find my way tripping over my shoe and falling on top of her. I did expect to change and we to freak out......but I didn't..... "Why didn't you...?" I began to ask my question until she pushed me off of her and raced to the door.

"You know what sucks from all this? Yuki remembered me, but not my own best friend" she stormed out the door.

Best friend? What was she talking about? I looked at Shigure and Yuki. Yuki was giving me a glare "Will you stop glaring at me you stupid rat!"

"I'm not the one who forgot my best friend" he stated shaking his head.

I stormed up to my room, I didn't want to deal with Yuki at all! I sat down I front of my drawer and grabbed a handful of my old photos. Back when I was nine, I was always with this girl. She had long brown hair and the darkest amber eyes anyone has ever seen. She was friend... Her name was Akari......wait! Akari Momoki! That is who that girl was! How could I be so stupid!

Her name is Akari {Fruits Basket Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now