chapter 5- The party and the unwanted human.

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I have been almost excited for my party now, I had Kyou as my bestfriend by my side again. The only thing I'm worried about it Tohru, shes nice and all but a little dimwitted. There was no doubt Kyou probably had feeling for her, and no matter how many times he will say it, I wont be so special to him as Tohru is to him. she is more fragile for only being a normal human. Akito has show his disapprovment for her, he still doesn't talk very fairly about her.

I looked at the dress I had chose in my moment of having a tantrum, it was a bright white, like snow. The dress was like of those "longer in back, shortter in front" type of dresses, it had no sleaves with a beautiful white flower just left and right below the breast line. Now as I admire my perfect dress my phone beepped and vibrated on the side of my dresser.

[Kyou-Cat: Hai bestfriend :) just seeing if your ready for your party?]

I smiled to myself as I read the message, that's my bestfriend. I felt my heart was going to pound right out of my chest. I knew I had "more than friends" feeling about him, but now Tohru's in the picture I do t know if id be able to tell him.

[Akari: yup, I just put my dress on. ill see you down there.]

I tested him back and sighed, lifting my head high I shall go forward. Kyou didn't need to know, as long as I'm his bestfriend I'm absolutely fine with being "friendzoned" I guess. I wore white sandles, only because heels kill me, and walked out of my house. As I stepped onto my porch I saw Shigure "Shigure? What are you doing here?"

He smiled at me "You look stunning, but I'm here to begin escorting you to your party." He held out his arm for me to take.

I blushed and took his arm "Thanks, it does really mean a lot that you will do this for me." As we walked down the street, but then I saw a shadow in the far off distance. "Shigure....?"

Shigure nodded "I see it to, just keep walking"

I did as I was told, not taking an eye away from this shadowy figure. It appeared to be pacing, waiting for something. I grew curiouse as I clenched Shigure's arm "I don't think that's supose to be here...." I whispered soflty as I saw the figure turn about and walked into the middle of the street. I held my breath, just as I thought this figure saw us.

Soon the figure started springing towards us. I looked up at Shigure, wondering what he was thing to do. Then I felt a collision as a force of a body pressed into mine. Then in a puff of smoke I had turned I to a rather large wolf and started growling.

Shigure quickly grabbed the strange figure "Who are you!" He demanded.

"i-i-i-im lost. W-w-where am I?" the studdering showed us that he was scared shitless. Maybe he ran into Akito.

Shigure sighed "Travel down this road and keep going ti'll you reach the city" and released the figure, then he buckled his asa away. Shigure then took me in his arms and travel to the party "We are now fashionably late" He chuckled.

I sighed and locked my paw and jumped from Suicide's arm. The first person to greet me was Kyou, I got so excited I had gotten up on my hind legs and barked.

"Shigure.....explain" Kyou said with crossed arms

Shigure chucked nervously "Well ya see......"


A/N: And that's chapter 5! I hope I did good while writing this story.

comment please! I love to hear feedback.


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