Chapter 8- The situation explosion

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Yuki's face turned to stone as he saw Kyou running towards us. "What do you want you dumb cat?" he grunted softly, crossing his arms.

I looked between Kyou and Yuki "Uhm, excuse me!?!" I yelled.

They both turned to look at me with sudden confusion all over their faces.

I sighed and shook my head "Kyou why are you here in the first place?" asking crossly.

Kyou looked dumbfounded and put his head down in shame "You're my bestfriend....I thought you would want to be with me instead of this stupid Rat" he dragged his foot along the gravel.

"Well you ARE my bestfriend, doesn't mean  I cant hang out with Yuki to, besides its not like I have anything else to do since you're always with Tohru anyways" I huffed truthfully.

Kyou hung his head in disappointment "I-I, I'm sorr-"

"I really dont want to hear you excuses Kyou, save them for someone who isnt me" I waved off his lame apology and turned my back, feeling slightly guilty,  but held my position high.

No words came from Kyou or Yuki, they just looked at each other, with this dumbfounded look mixed with concerned regret.

"Look....please just listen.." Kyou urged, reaching and placing his hand on my shoulder

I shook his hand off "dont touch me.....just go back to Tohru...." and with those words I fled. I didnt run, I didnt fast walk, I just walked away. Without either of them.

I hate this part right here....

Letting go, and I'd finally gave up. A friendship can form, but clearly we've drifted to far to come back together again. Even though it highly depressed me, I had to go on happier. Maybe this time try and not to be phased my Tohru and Kyou, just be happy....

but you love him....

That thought flashed into my mind by surprise.. Love him. Love him. Love Kyou. I love Kyou.

He wont feel the same, so there isnt no point to this. As I continued to walk the skies got darker and darker.

I hope there aren't any thunderstorms comming...

Im terrified of thunderstorms. Walking around like this wasnt a good idea in the first place.


I shift my gaze behind me, trying to look at who has spoken my name, pretty soon I saw Shigure walking towards me with a umbrella. "Shigure?!"

As he reached me the first cracks of thunder boomed through the sky and I jumped into Shigure's soon outstretched arms. Hugging me tightly he began to slow walk into the direction of his house.

"Akari you should've known it was going to rain" he scolded me gently.

Pretty soon the tears rolled down my eyes, it wasnt the thunder that made me cry, and I felt that Shigure knew that, but decided not to ask. Just talk.

"I dont know whats wrong eith Kyou and Yuki. They're just boys after all, dont worry about them. In fact just ignore them" he told me sincerely, patting my back.

When we arrived inside you could hear the never ending arguing between two teen guys.

"You're the one trying to bestfriend my bestfriend!"

"Oh please that doesnt even make any sense"

"It maked perfect sense! Quit try8ng to take my bestfriend!"

"You know she wouldn't even be hanging out with me if you would just spend time with her, but you dont, and she is a great girl, she shouldn't need to put up with your crap"

"My crap? And please tell me you aren't just hanging out eith her because you sympathize her?!"

"No! im not like you"

I've have had enough "Why don't you guys just shut up for once?" I said through gritted teeth and slamed my feet on the stairs as I walked up. Leaving them in confusion silence.

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