Chapter 6- The party!

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[A/n: Sorry for the long update. Starting work and stuff and I had a lot on my plate with work and keeping up on my sleep]

By the time I had changed back into my original form half the night had gone. Lights and music played slowly as most of the guys were dancing and having a great time. I was sitting on the side bench watching and laughing. Tohru was sitting next to me fidgeting like no other like she was actually nervous about something.

"Will you stop fidgeting?" I asked, trying to be nice and hide my irritated self.

Tohru flinched and slowly turned to me "S-sorry, just a-abit...." she paused and sighed deeply.

I felt bad, but didn't push anything. Even though I want to apologize, I cant help but have my jealous side take over and feel very negative towards her. I groaned softly and looked back towards the dancing guys.

Before i knew it, Kyou was in front of Tohru. "You alright?" he asked with a tilt of his head. His carrot top hair shifted as his head did, his eyes were soft as he knelt now.

I frowned and soon stood up to walk away, with a click of my bow-tie flats across the ground. Walking to the refreshments i was stopped by Yuki. "Hey Yuki" i smiled brightly, me and Yuki have been getting along these past few days and its nice having people talk to me.

"Hey Akari" he said softly and gave me a nice and small smile. Then he reached out his hand to me. "Would you like to dance?" He asked.

I nodded as he swifted me off to the dance floor. Dancing with Yuki was nice and soothing. The song was slow, so Yuki held me close and feeling of his warmth spread through my whole body.

Pretty soon as the song ended and he let so "Thank you"should he said and kissed my hand softly and walked away from me.

Pulling myself out of La La Land and back to reality and told me that the party was over. With a happy sigh i began to walked towards the doors to the outside.

"Want me to walk you home?"

I turned around to see Kyou approaching me with a smug smile that was plastered across his face. "Nah, i can walk home by myself" I told him, giving him my fake smile. I still cant help but feel a little resentment.

Kyou frowned then "Uhm...alright then..." and slumped away.

I sighed, now feeling like shit, and slowly walked toward my house. I hate it when i feel like this. Twisting guilt gnawed at my stomach, that was until i turned around to see Kyou and Tohru walking together and smiling. I frowned and went inside my house, slamming the door behind me. "Arh!" I pushed through clenched teeth.

After a few minutes of moping and spiting my angry fire at nothing, i slowly took my dress off. I was putting on my night shorts and a soft tank-top. Knocking came right then which threw me off. "Whose here at this time of night?" i said to myself softly and slowly walked to the door. Slowly opening the door to reveal Yuki Sohma. "Yuki?"

Yuki smiled at me "My apologies if you were about to go to bed, but i just stopped by to see if i can stay here for the night?" He asked very politely.

I cocked my head to the side "Why?"

Yuki sighed "That damn Cat is getting on my nerves, you of all people should know" he chuckled softly.

I nodded and stepped aside to let him in "Sure, come in, i was just about to go to bed actually" I told him.

Then i showed Yuki where the spare bed room was "If you need anything, im just down the hall" i told him and left him to go to sleep. Slowly inching into my childhood bed i let out a heavy sigh and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


A/N: Chapter 6 peoples!



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