Chapter 10- Trouble

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*Akari's POV*

sun shining, birds chirping, but inside I feel drowned by the emptiness and drafty feeling inside my room. Couples days have pasted since the kiss and ive been hiding from the world, locking and barricaded myself.

Yet no one tried to come in, everyone is giving me too much space. The conflict inside my mind was causing my to toss in my bed. Comotions come in and out from down stairs. I had to make newer friends, i couldnt keep putting myself in these confusing situations. 

"YOU WHAT!!!?!?!"

The loud screaming came from downstairs made me jump at least 5 feet out of my bed. Slowly turning to the loud thumping sound comming up the stairs i quickly got back underneath my covers and pretended i was asleep. 

Soon hearing the door slowly open and the light from the hallway glinted into my room, catching my face and i slowed my breathing and with eyes closed. 

*Kyou's POV*

I had just heard the worst news ever, and i had to ask to find out for myself. Why would Yuki kiss Akari? He knows how i feel about her! 

I thumped up the stair in a frantic way, inching to her door. Closer. Closer.

I opened the door and showed that Akari was sleeping, the color in her face was all drained and she didnt look so good. Her hair frizzed and you could hear her stomach growl from where i stood. Not knowing if i should wake her, she was pretty much been beating herself over these past few days. 

Maybe i should've cheaked on her....My gut was tieing into a knot. 

I slowly stepped closer.

"I wouldnt wake her if i were you..." Yuki's voice came from behind me.

I quickly spunn around in a fit on rage "I dont wanna hear your bullshit" i snapped, holding myself back and trying with all my might not to run at him. "Just leave and let me do this"

Surpirsingly Yuki looked emotionaly exhausted and sad. "This is my fault..." he muttered and turned to leave. Leaving me with a guilty feeling and a pit in my throat. Looking back and i felt a tug on my heart, it was not any of their was all mine. If i wouldve spent time with her more....maybe she would love me like i have started to love her.

I looked at her once more, then slowly shifted my gaze down at me beads. Remembering the shuddering memory when Tohru saw who i was. I let out another big sigh and shifted off of her bed, suttling out her room. 

Then i walked to the kitchen, bound determind to fix the problem. Grabbing a few snacks and heading back upstairs, passing Yuki on the stairs "Hey...Yuki..." i tried to confront him.

Yuki looked at me with this sullen look. "Yes?" 

I handed him the snacks "Take them to Akari, she needs them"

Yuki nodded and turned back to go uptairs.

I turnd to go back down the stairs, only to come face to face with Tohru. "Oh, hey Tohru"

"Are you going to tell them...?" She asked, tilting her head "about Akari's birthday surprise comming up?" 

I had almost forgot about that, and in reason why i hardly hung out with Akari. I have been planning this for a few weeks now. A smile appeared and new hope filled my heart. "No, i decided not to tell her, it will continue as a surprise"


Sorry its a short chapter! PLease dont refrain from commenting or voting! :) You guys make me so happy with your support! I love reading your comments, so please keep giving feedback!

Stay golden!


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