Chapter 2

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"She's seriously the most arrogant person I've ever had the displeasure of meeting," Wonyoung proclaimed.

"Uh huh." Liz was only half paying attention to Wonyoung's rant. It was the same one over and over again. She practically had it memorized.

"I really don't understand how she manages to even get up in the morning with that big head of hers," Wonyoung continued. "I'm surprised she hasn't flown away with the sheer size of it."

Liz sighed as she watched Wonyoung write in her notebook. She was writing so hard that she had torn through two pages.

"And the way she walks around the halls like she owns the place? God, and that smug smile she always has?" Wonyoung gritted her teeth at the thought of it. "And that," she flailed her arms around trying to find the right work. "Strut she has. Like some pompous idiot."

She has no idea what she was even doing anymore. Her and Liz were in the library during study hall working on some homework, but Wonyoung couldn't seem to focus on anything. The notes she should've been taking looked like smeared blotches on her torn notebook.

"What the hell do any of those girls see in her anyways?" Wonyoung ranted on but Liz finally stopped her.

"Won! Seriously, I know she bugs the shit out of you but I don't think talking about her is going to help you."

Wonyoung huffed and started recopying her notes. "I just wish she'd take a goddam hint already. I'm not remotely interested in the slightest. In fact, she repulses me."

"I know, Wonnie," Liz said exasperated.

Wonyoung finally just threw her pencil down and pinched the bridge of her nose. She hated that Yujin got to her like this. "You think after three years she would've given up." She looked at Liz expecting some words of comfort, but her friend had put in her AirPods.

"Liz!" She whined and tapped on one of the earphones.

"What?" She said annoyed. "Look, Wonyoung, I'm really sorry that Yujin gets under your skin and I really wish I could help but I have a chemistry test next period and I really need to study."

Wonyoung have her an apologetic look. "Sorry. You need help?"

"No, I got it. Rei gave me some good notes," Liz said blushing.

Wonyoung smiled knowingly. If only Yujin acted like her best friend, maybe she would consider going out with her. Wonyoung immediately shook the though out of her head. Just the fact that she even considered going out with An Yujin made her sick.

"Hey, lover. Fancy seeing you here," a voice said behind her.

Wonyoung jumped, and then glared at Yujin. "Actually, fancy seeing you here," she said coldly. "Didn't think you knew where the library was and don't call me lover." Wonyoung returned to note taking and tried to ignore Yujin. She saw Liz smirking from behind her notebook.

Yujin just grinned and took a seat right next to Wonyoung. She was too close for Wonyoung's liking.

"World Lit?" Yujin said looking at Wonyoung's notes. "I took that last semester, you can have my notes if you want." She gave her a smile that even Wonyoung had to admit was cute, but she pushed that out of her head and continued to work.

"No thanks. I really don't want notes from a C-average student."

Yujin's smile faltered a little. "Well, it would save you the trouble form taking some yourself. That way you can be free this period and spend it with me."

"And why would I do that to myself?" Wonyoung said scathingly.

To Wonyoung's surprise, Yujin let out an exasperated sigh. "Come on, Wonyoung, aren't you tired of this dance we've been doing the past three years? Can we just you know, get together?"

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