Chapter 8

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"Never thought I'd be dropping you off at Yujin's house," Liz commented as she pulled up to the An's mansion.

Wonyoung just gave her a look as she unbuckled her seat belt. "Okay, when I call you to pick me up, you better come right away." Before she could leave, Liz grabbed a hold of her arm and gave her a very serious look. "What's up?" She asked a little concerned.

"You never stopped liking her, did you?"

Wonyoung just took her arm back and left the car. "I'll call you later."

Liz sighed. "Be careful." She gave her a little smile before driving off.

The An's mansion was huge and Wonyoung felt a bit intimidated as she walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. She only had to wait a few seconds before a woman (she only could assume was Yujin's mom) answered the door with a smile on her face.

"Hi," Wonyoung said extending her hand. "I'm Wonyoung, I'm here to see Yujin." She didn't know why, but Wonyoung was expecting a butler with a British accent to answer the door. The house just off that certain vibe.

"Oh yes," Mrs. An said shaking her hand. "Yujin said she was having someone cover over to help her catch up in music class. Come in." She opened the door wider to let Wonyoung inside the house.

Stifling a gasp, Wonyoung looked around with wide eyes. It was like stepping inside a palace.

"I'll let her know you're here," the older woman said as she walked to the bottom of the stairs. "Yujin!" She called up. "Wonyoung's here, will you please come down?"

Wonyoung continued to look around as they waited for Yujin. Everything was nice and expensive looking. She was afraid she'd break something by just breathing too hard.

After a few seconds and still no Yujin, her mother shook her head. "That girl, probably has her headphones on. Here, let me just take you to her room."

"Oh, okay," Wonyoung said a little taken back and followed Yujin's mom up the stairs.

"I appreciate you taking the time to help Yujin," she said smiling.

"No problem," Wonyoung smiled back. They reached the top landing when the phone rang.

"I'm sorry, I'll have to take that but Yujin's room is just down there." She pointed to the end of the hallway they were standing in and to the door at the very end. "It was nice meeting you," she said politely before going back downstairs to answer the phone.

Wonyoung half-heartedly waved and made her way towards Yujin's room. The door was ajar and she knocked on it before poking her head in. Yujin was in her bead, lying on her stomach. Her back was facing the door and she looked like she was reading something. Wonyoung could hear music coming from the headphones in Yujin's ears and she was moving her feet to the beat of the music.

She smiled as she watched Yujin for a few moments. Never in her life did Wonyoung think she's be in An Yujin's room. She walked towards the bed and tapped her on the back.

Yujin jumped about a foot in the air and fell off to the ground. "Oh my God, Wonyoung!" She said trying to get up while turning very red.

Wonyoung couldn't help but laugh as she tried to help her to her feet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

Yujin managed to get tangled up in her comforter that fell with her and tried to free herself from it. "No, it's okay. I just didn't expect you." She took Wonyoung's offered hand and hauled herself up. "When did you get here?" Yujin was still holding her hand and Wonyoung felt warm shivers shoot up and down her arm.

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