Chapter 3

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"I cannot believe you poured coffee over her head."

"She deserved it," Wonyoung said in an apathetic voice. She was trying to finish up some homework before her next class and quite frankly was getting sick of everyone talking about her little stunt.

Liz searched for Yujin across the quad and laughed when she saw her in some Seoul High gym clothes. "I'm not saying she didn't deserve it, but it must've been embarrassing for her."

Wonyoung looked up and quirked her eyebrow. "You want to talk about embarrassing? Do you remember what she did last year?"

Even at the mere thought of it, Liz had to stifle her laughter. Last year during Valentine's Day, Yujin had paid some members from the glee club to serenade Wonyoung during lunch. Liz had never seen Wonyoung so red both from embarrassment and anger.

"Maybe now she'll leave me alone," Wonyoung said hopefully.

"Um, no such luck," Liz said and pointed behind Wonyoung. Yujin was making her way over to their table with a smile on her face. She looked quite ridiculous in the gym clothes, but she plopped herself down right next to Wonyoung anyways.

"Hey," she said cheerfully, but Wonyoung had resumed her usual ignoring. "Just want to tell you that there's no hard feelings about this morning." Yujin smiled at her even though Wonyoung wasn't even looking. She just continued to write in her notebook as if Yujin had never even sat down. "Well, I'll see you around." Yujin waved to Liz before leaving their table.

"Well, that was strange," Liz said as she watched Yujin sit back down at hers and Rei's table.

"What?" Wonyoung said acting like she didn't hear anything that just transpired.

Liz studied Wonyoung's attitude and thought it best not to mention Yujin. "Nothing."


"So you're not mad at her?"

"Why would I be mad?"

Rei scoffed. "Maybe because she spilled coffee on your head and embarrassed you in front of everyone? Not to mention you have to wear that for the rest of the day."

Yujin shrugged. "Well, it could've been worse."


"She could've not cared," she said quietly.

"Unnie, don't you think this has gone on long enough?" Rei asked exasperated. "I mean you're losing your dignity and making a very nice girl's life a living hell."

Yujin ran her hand through her hair. She had managed to get all the coffee out by running it under the sink, but it still smelled like hazelnut. "I just thought she'd give in by now."

"Why are you even bothering? It's not like you're doing bad in the dating department. Do you really need to date Wonyoung? Is it that important to you to uphold your reputation?"

Yujin looked at her friend totally offended. "You think I'm doing all this just for my reputation?"

Rei took a step back a little confused. "Well, aren't you? I mean you don't really like Wonyoung, right?"

Looking down, Yujin tried to avoid her friend's eyes. "I admit at first it was just a game. She was the only girl who didn't fall all over me and I thought of it as a challenge. But overtime, I started to realize that Wonyoung isn't just some girl I wanted to win."

Rei didn't know how to react to her friend's confession. "Then why are you still doing all this? Why don't you just drop the act and ask her out like a normal human being?"

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