Chapter 9

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"You're glowing."

Wonyoung looked up from her uneaten lunch and blushed. "What? No, I'm not. It's hot out here." She avoided Liz's eyes but she could feel them burning a hole.

"Why won't you tell me what happened last night at Yujin's house?" Liz asked as she put her chin in her hand.

"Gee, I don't know Liz. Maybe because someone wouldn't stop talking about Rei," Wonyoung countered and gave her friend a smirk.

Liz blushed as well. "Well, I'm not talking about her now, so tell me, what happened last night?"

"Nothing." It was mostly the truth. "We just worked on the songs."

"Uh huh, did you give her some private lessons?"

Wonyoung just shook her head. "No, you freak."

"Fine, ruin my fun. How was music anyways?"

"Very bad," Wonyoung sighed and looked across the quad to see Rei coming towards their table. She frowned when she saw that Yujin wasn't accompanying her. Mr. Han had asked Yujin to stay again after class, but Wonyoung didn't know whether to wait for her or go on to lunch. Eventually, her hunger got the best of her and she left while Yujin was still talking to their music teacher.

"Hey, guys," Rei greeted when she reached the table. She gave Liz a kiss on the cheek before sitting down next to her.

"Where's Yujin?" Wonyoung immediately blurted out and received a look from both of the girls. "Um, I mean," she trailed off not really knowing what to say.

"She got held up by her locker," Rei said smiling. "Don't worry, she'll be here."

"Oh yeah, okay. Just wanted to know what Mr. Han wanted," Wonyoung rambled.

"Sure, you did," Liz said.

Wonyoung just glared at her as she kept looking for Yujin. They didn't talk about what almost happened last night at Yujin's house. Not that they were avoiding each other, but the only class they had was music, and today was a really bad day. Mr. Han was snapping at everyone for every little mistake. Apparently when concert time approaches, Mr. Han gets all worked up and wants everything to be perfect. No one dared to make a mistake, so that meant Wonyoung and Yujin had to pay attention to their instrument playing. They barely had time to glance at each other.

"There's you girlfriend, Wonnie," Rei teased when Yujin started making her way towards them.

Wonyoung kicked her under the table, but smiled when Yujin sat down next to her. "Hey," she greeted exhausted.

"Shit, you look like hell," Rei commented as she tossed her a brown lunch bag.

"Thanks, Rei," Yujin said sarcastically and opened her lunch.

"Hey, I'm making your lunch until you get your off campus lunch privileges back, so be nice."

Yujin rolled her eyes and started eating her sandwich. She could feel Wonyoung looking at her and her stomach filled with butterflies.

"So what did Mr. Han want?" Wonyoung asked.

"Well, he basically told me that if I didn't learn all of the song by the concert, he'd fail me."

"What? He can't do that."

Yujin couldn't help but smile. Worried Wonyoung was a very cute Wonyoung. And the fact that Wonyoung was worrying about her made the butterflies flutter even more.

"It's alright, I mean, I pretty much know all the songs. There are just a few that I need to go over," she assured her.

"But we've been only working for one day."

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