Anakin - who's the father?

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Anakin and you had been married for over three years now and had two wonderful baby twins. Luke and Leia. You were a senator and Anakin was a Jedi. Nobody knows that your children are also his. That won't be possible for ever but for now it was the best decision. For both of you.

You were currently in your bedroom because you had just brought Luke and Leia to bed. It was exhausting but you knew it won't last forever so you tried to make the best out of this. The door of your apartment on Coruscant opened and you thought it was Anakin so you walked to the door. "Hello An- Padmé." It wasn't Anakin but Padmé so you had to quickly correct tour sentence.

"Hello Y/N. I wanted to ask you if I may help you a bit with the children today. I mean being a single mum is not an easy job to do." Padmé asked you and you kindly nodded. "Of course" you laughed. "I will take every help I can get." you finished your sentence.

you told her that the kids where still sleeping and so we just went to sit on your couch and talked for a bit.

After a while you talked about Luke and Leia when she said something and you started to stutter. "So i don't want to be mean or hurt you and you don't have to answer it but...who is the father of them? I mean I've never seen you having a boyfriend." She asked and your eyes grew slightly bigger. "Oh yeah uhm he uh was a pilot who brought me uh to Naboo and uh we dated for a bit but I've never seen him since then." you told her hoping to satisfy her with that. "Oh i'm so sorry y/n...he sounds like a total ass and he must be a total douchebag to let go somebody like you." She told you laying a hand on your shoulder. You started smiling slightly and hoped to make this conversation a bit less sad since it was all a lie. Even if it was a white lie though. "At least he was very handsome." You said. "Oh i can tell by the way the twins look." She said and now the situation was relaxed again.

You continued talking about Luke and Leia and just random things that came to your minds. Then you heard footsteps coming to your front door which shortly after opened revealing no other than your secret husband.

"Y/N? Ah there you are! Oh eh senator Amidala pleasure to see you. Senator Y/L/N I wanted to talk to you about something but I guess it can wait till later." He said trying to cover up that he called you by your first name.

You heard cryings coming from the twins room. All three of your heads turned in that direction. "I guess I have to look after them." You said beginning to walk. "I told you i'd help you so i'm coming too. Anakin you can come to. Her twins are just the cutest." She told him. "Of course." He said and also began to walk in the direction of the cryings.

As you entered the bedroom you picked up leia and gave her to Anakin and then picked up Luke and gave him to Padmé because you had to get their food from the kitchen.

Anakins POV:

He looked down at his daughter laying in his arms. Her cryings stopped and she started smiling. "She must like you. Normally she isn't comfortable with anyone besides Y/N holding her." Padmé said impressed.

"I didn't know you and Y/N were friends by the way. At least not so good to visit each other you know what i mean?" Padmé told him and he was a bit nervous everytime someone talks to him about that topic. "Yeah we arent close. I just wanted to tell her something about what Obi Wan had told me earlier." He tried to defend the situation. "So you don't know who the father is either." Padmé noticed.
"Yeah. Do you?" He said innocent. "Yes and no. I know that he is a pilot but a total idiot since she left someone as kind, caring and great as y/n. Oh and he is totally handsome. I mean look at Luke and Leia." After Padmé finished her sentence Anakin smiled even wider but played it off a bit.


You came back in the room with two small bottles of milk for the twins. You saw Anakin turning around and smirking. As you gave Padmé one of the bottles she sat down on a chair next to the babies bed and fed Luke.
She was distracted and anakin took the chance. "So i'm Very handsome huh?" He whispered amused. "Don't set your hopes too high." You said now also amused. "

(Part 2?)


Word count: 827

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