Anakin - lost battle

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You fight in a battle.

(TW: Sad, blood/not detailed)

Word count: 1189


Your PoV:

(Short before the battle)

"I'm going to be okay. Don't worry so much." Anakin told me after I told him about my fear of him getting hurt. "You better will be, Anakin." I told him not saying anything about the -don't worry- part.

"So we will meet at the base as soon as we are finished, alright?"  He wanted to assure. "Thats the plan." I told him.

He gave me a tight hug and kissed my forehead. While hugging me he placed his head on mine. "I love you, y/n." He told me. "And I love you, Ani." I said. With that we separated and gave each other a slight nod to let the other know we were ready.

We walked to the area we were supposed to meet each of our squadrons and from that on went to different locations.

(Time skip during battle)

"Zel and Brench you protect our left side. Charge and Disk you take the right while you Corby stay with me. Oh and Iron, Device and Limit you take behind." I ordered my squadron and they all looked at me and gave me a nod.

I was friends with every single one of them but Corby was like one of my greatest friends beside Ahsoka and Anakin.

We talked and talked till we heard a crack somewhere near us but we couldn't surely say from which direction it came. It sounded like it was following us but constantly changing its location. I sensed that there were more than one after a while and told my squadron to be quiet.

Then out of nowhere smoke bombs where thrown at us, followed by multiple real bombs. I tried everything to protect my squadron from them. With the force I pushed them backwards far enough for them to not get hurt too much. I couldnt see the slightest and even while trying to find my squadron I failed.Then again bombs were thrown and one of them exploded right in front of me, causing me to be thrown backwards.

My mind went dizzy and I couldn't think straight. I tried to reach someone with my comlink but noticed that it was completely damaged. My head hurt terrible and I noticed blood running down from my head to my neck. I winced in pain. I tried to scream but I didn't have the Stretch for it anymore. Beside all of my visible wounds it hurt me the most that I was probably not going to see Anakin ever again.

A small tear ran down my cheek beside my blood. Suddenly I heard someone yelling my name. It was Corby. When he saw me, he took of his helmet and I saw that his eyes were widened in shock. He ran over to me kneeling down. "General Y/l/n, I need to bring you to the medical tent." He told me. "It's too late Corby and how often have I told you to call me y/n." I said with a slight chuckle trying to make the situation less sad. "Its never to late y/n. Don't say something like that." He told me while I noticed the panic in him.

"It is sometimes. We have to accept what we cannot change. You were one of my greatest friends Corby so I trust you a lot with what I tell you know." I said and slowly took of my necklace with my wedding ring on it and handed it to Corby. He looked at me confused. "Please give this to Anakin." I winced shortly after the sentence. "Please tell him that I love him and look after him when I'm gone." I nearly demanded and he nodded while I saw a tear running down his cheek. With that I closed my eyes and the last thing I knew was that everything cut of.

(Time skip after battle)

Anakins PoV:

We won the battle and I was now telling my squadron to follow me back to the base. It was a hard fight but at the end the fate was on our side.

As we reached the base I saw many wounded man. It really had serious consequences.

I walked around the base where Y/N and I were supposed to meet up. I couldn't see her which was odd since she normally came back before me.

Then I saw a few man of her squadron laying in the medical tent and I saw Iron sitting on a bench near it. He was talking to Device. "Three losses in one day. How could we let that happen?" He told him and I was shocked. I had to find y/n. They were her friends and she for sure blames herself for their losses.

I looked around and saw Cordy. When he saw me his features went into total sadness. I approached him and he instantly looked down. I wanted to say something to him and I noticed he wanted to do the same but we were called back to the middle of the base for an review of the battle.

Weirdly i still didn't saw y/n. Now I began to grow worried. I saw Master Windu standing where the conference would be.

He looked sad, which didn't happen very often. The worried feeling in me only began to risen even more but then Master Windu spoke.

"This battle had cost us three losses. Three losses too much. But at the end they didn't die for nothing. We now have the missing piece for the card and are able to find the sith. They died for everyone of us and fought till the end. Don't let them be forgotten. We want to remember, how you called them, disk and Zel and my dear former Padawan y/n." He said and ended his speech.

My blood freezed and I felt I felt like I was in a nightmare. It couldn't be. Not y/n. It was a lie. A mix up. It wasn't real it was a nightmare and I would wake up any second to y/n sleeping peacefully next to me.

Now Cordy approached me again. No. He held y/n's necklace in his hand. "Im sorry, general Skywalker. Y/N gave me this before she died and told me I should hand it to you. She said she loved you as her last words." He said and I broke down crying. I screamed at the top of my lungs and I didn't care if anyone saw me. It was unfair. It felt like my heart getting ripped out of my chest.

I had nothing. I was alone. My screams didn't stop and many of my man ran up to me. I told them to go away. Everything I ever wanted was y/n and now she was gone. Forever.


Sorry guys but I wanted to write a sad one. I don't know why but yeah it is what it is.

Even though I almost cried while writing it I want to share it with you!

See you!

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