Anakin - Dex Diner

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You work in Dex's Diner and today he organized a Party to celebrate the end of the war. You heard that everyone was invited even the Jedi. You thought it was all a joke but got convinced otherwise...

Word count: 1702


"Yeah really funny, Ria" you said rolling your eyes at what your co-worker, Saria just told you. "Its true, y/n! Dex had literally praised their friendship and that he told us to help him set everything up !" She claimed following me through the dinner while I cleaned the tables since the diner closed earlier today.

"Believe me, Y/N! Its not a joke like last time! I learned my lesson!" She still claimed and I brought the dishes into the kitchen to wash them later and turned towards her. I looked at her with a skeptical look an my face and rested my hand on my hip.

"So you really want me to believe that Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master, is friends with our Dex and he didn't already tell the whole Galaxy? And on top of that, Dex organized a Party to celebrate the end of the war where the Jedi are coming to? Then Dex asked you to tell me that he wants our both help to bring everything he needs for the Party which by the way is already this evening?" I summarized what she had told me over the past 20 minutes.

"Yess! Thats exactly what happened! I was shocked myself! I swear to my home planet!" She said throwing her arms in the air to show that she didn't lie. "Sounds a bit like the last time when you told me, that Kit Fisto was outside the diner asking for something." I reminded her.

"I'm sorry for that, Y/N! I told you that lots of times! Its wasn't even my idea it had been Chun's! I promise you this is real! That why we need to bring Dex everything he wrote down on this list!" She continued telling the same as before. I was tired of this so I just sighed taking the note she held in her hand to read it. There it said that he needed plates for the food, some spices and a few things to decorate. "Okay I'm gonna get those things and you are gonna fly to Dex to tell him I'll be there in around an hour. But I swear to my freaking left leg that if this is again some kind of funny joke of yours i'm gonna kill you straight ahead!" I told her pointing a finger towards her.

Ria already went out to take the Diner's speeder while I closed and locked the door of the diner and then walking towards my own speeder. I got in it and began starting to get everything Dex had requested and after around an hour, like I said, I was finished and already parking my speeder on the parking lot infront of the area Dex apparently had rented for today and the tomorrow.

I got off and tired balancing everything I had bought at ones since I didn't want to walk back to my speeder a second time. Some would call me lazy for that but I prefer smart. I mean -work smarter not harder- is my ultimate life slogan.

As I began walking with all the stuff covering like 90% of my vision. Then happened what had to happen. I stumbled. In my mind I already saw the whole stuff broken laying ok the floor but suddenly a man stepped infront of me catching every I had dropped.

I confusedly looked at him since he really catched everything. "Holy galaxy!" I mumbled as he now came into my vision. "thank you...-" I started my sentence but couldn't end it since I didn't know his name. He understood it and chuckled. "Anakin" he simply said. "Then Thank you, Anakin. I wouldn't have known what I should have done if you didn't help me." I told him gratefully. "No problem...-" he started and now had to slightly laugh as his problem was the same I had. "Y/N" i also simply said. "Thats a very pretty name if I may say that." He told me and I felt my cheeks heat up and I was probably red like a tomato.
No one had ever told me that.

We began walking to where Ria told me to bring the things to. After we placed everything on a huge table by the outdoor kitchen I noticed Dex coming towards us. "Ah Y/N! I'm glad you believed Saria and came even if it was very spontaneously."  He laughed taking the things with his four arms all at ones easily. He brought everything to his outdoor kitchen. Them he came back informing me that i would really help him if I decorated the tables since he wasn't the most creative.

After he got me the instructions I took the decoration and started placing the napkins and cutlery on the tables in front of every seat. Anakin helped me with everything while we had a small chat. When we were finished with everything we sat down on a small couch under a tree.

A few people already came and I began to grow  curious if really some Jedi would come here. I didn't know many besides Obi-Wan since Ria told me so much about it and Kit Fisto because he ones had rescued me.

"Do you think any Jedi will come today?" I asked Anakin and he looked down at me shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know. Would you like them to come?" He wanted to know. "Yeah. I never really met one besides Kit-Fisto. But that was only one time for like 30 seconds." I told him and I had one question in my mind. "Have you ever met one?" I asked him interested. "I have. Many times actually." He told you like it was nothing. Your eyes widened and you turned to face him. Now he had to prepare for a wave of questions. I didn't think he would lie or make jokes about it so I trusted him with that.

"Have you met Obi-Wan Kenobi? I've heard many stories of him from my best friend." I asked him curious. "Lot of times. He is in fact a  very good friend of mine." He mentioned again like it wasn't something special.
"Oh heaven! I wish I had such an exciting life as you seem to have that being friends with a Jedi is nothing special anymore." I admitted to him and he chuckled. "Hey! Thats not funny! I'm having a life crises right now, Mister!" I sarcastically complained. "Oh yeah I'm sorry, Miss. But if you really want a Jedi friend I could help you with that." He told me leaning back on the couch closing his eyes with a smirk on his lips. My eyes widened at his offer which I would gladly take. I mean who didn't want someone to protect you all the time?

"How could you help me with that? Are you some kind of Jedi dealer or?" I asked him laughing. "Yes I mean what else?" He confessed ironically. I fake gasped and hold a hand onto chest. "I'm stunned! How could you not tell me? I thought we were friends!" And with that I fake sighed and he just bursted out in laughter.

As he stopped laughing his usual smirk returned. "Had you called us friends?" He asked and I nodded while saying "yes I mean if you want us to be if not then not i guess."

"Then it seems like you just made yourself a Jedi friend." He casually said. "Wait really? Who?!" I questioned confused. "Me! You idiot!" He loudly said jokily hitting me. I gasped but this time for real. I didn't expect that. At all.

"No way!" I exclaimed. "Yes way!" He replied.
This time I jokily hit him. "Let me live the moment and don't ruin it! I feel like this is some sort of story and not real life so please!" I told him and he silently had to chuckle. After I realized that this was reality it was even more exciting. "You have to tell me all of the stories you have witnessed and of all the people you have met and all the planets you have visited!" I demanded. "I will. I will but I think Dex wants your help with something. He has been waving for the past few minutes." He said and iI turned around seeing Dex. "Oh shit! I'll come back when whatever he wants me to do is done! See you, Anakin! Don't run away!" I dared him. "I promise you'll find me in this exact spot. I would be way to afraid of running away, Y/N." He promised and looked at me.

I went to Dex helping him with carrying boxes from one side to another. Ria came and did the same. "I see you found a friend. He is so hot! Lucky you." She whispered in my ear as we were standing next to each other cleaning a counter. "You could say that out loud." I told her and she attempted to really scream what she had said. I quickly covered her mouth and she instead laughed loudly. "I hate you so much." I claimed giving her a death stare. "I hate you more, y/n/n." She told me laying her hand on my shoulder. "Now go to your lover boy, he is waiting. I'll clean up the rest." She demanded. "Thank you, Ria." I said giving her a short hug.

I turned around to see that Anakin really still was at the exact same spot where I left him. I giggled at that as I walked over to him. He already looked at me and I felt like he had stared at me the whole time. What a creep.

As I got near him I studied his look for the first time since I had met him.

Anakin really was the most handsome and most funny guy I have ever met. Either ever boy I had met was funny OR handsome. Never before was there one that connected those two things. On top of that he was a Jedi. Big bonus point.


I hope you liked that chapter :P let me know if you have any ideas for an One-shot since I sometimes don't have any ._. Anyways! See you in the next one!

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