Anakin - Jedi protector

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(Just to clarify: most of The planets and royal familys in this story are just from my imagination so please don't wonder why you've never heard of them before.)

You were the princess of an huge and important planet called Nuumoth.
It was well known but only for politicians or just upper class people like your father would say.
You got death threats and some bounty hunters already tried murdering you. Your father, King Lakun, was "worried" about you and wanted a Jedi protector for you, even though you knew he just wanted that you stay alive to marry some weird prince to extend his Power in the galaxy even more. The death threats stopped a little while ago but your protector was still around to make sure that you were safe.
That was about a year ago. A year in which your life changed dramatically...

TW: Sexual assault, injection

Word count: 2294


I was sitting in the dining room of our Palace on Nuumoth. My mum sat on the very end of the right side of our huge table and my father one the very left side opposite from my Mother. Beside me sat the stupid prince of Fekorom, called Ryansan (or short Ryan), the one of those who my father wants me to chose from and then marry. Around the table also sat his parents, some other royals and politicians. I wasn't interested or even listening to anything going on there.

The only thing on my kind was Anakin. Anakin Skywalker. My secret Fiancé. We knew it was forbidden and that we probably could never have a "normal" relationship so we tried our best to stay away from another till we simply couldn't anymore.

Now He was sitting across the table and I was trying to secretly look at him sometimes. I could see he also did the same.

Suddenly we looked at each other and had eye contact for a short time until a politician sitting next to him told him something so he had to look away. I had to smile but just a little bit as I was so happy and grateful to habe him by my side. Even if its secret. Even if its forbidden for him and me at the same time.

My smile of course caught someones eye. But not the someone i'd like him to be. "What are you smiling at, my dear?" Ryan asked in his specific voice for something that always meant something like -because of me?- or something like that. I looked at him and smiled sarcastically "because if you, my dear. What else should it be?" I said doing my best to sound extra sarcastic. The Princess of Selac and her Brother chuckled at my comment.

He then looked at me and his eyes literally told me that this was gonna have consequences which I didn't care about.

He continued eating again and chatting with the Prince of Selac, whos name I forgot. I focused on my food again because I mean it's anyway way more important than any stupid conversation with an even more stupid person.

After a little while everyone had finished their plate and servants of my father began taking the dishes and the rest of the food. 

I knew this was gonna be the time where my father said something "important". I never really listened since it always had something to do with politics, but those which no one is interested in.

Now this time was different. He looked at me and I could sense he was going to say something about me. But what could he talk about? I really didn't know so I figured it would be the best to just smile and nod at his look.

He began. "Many of you already know about my daughter and her plans." he smoothly pointed with his hand at me while saying that. What plans? "And for those who don't know: My daughter is going to marry the Prince of Fekorom next week-" WAIT WHAT? No no no. This can't be true- I- no no no. I didn't really listen to what he said after that and just looked at Anakin who face held a shocked expression. I didn't know that my father already had chosen and planned something.

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