Chapter 11. Right here

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The stars were beautiful that day. Their glow was proof of their existence, however fleeting. And beneath them were millions of lifeforms, each with lifespans vastly more insignificant.

"Isn't it beautiful? The sky, boundless, its majesty stretching over what seems to be an eternity," the woman hummed at the view above, eyes glimmering with such longing it was as if she wished to be a part of the constellations. And he could recite her following words by heart, he would replay this very scene in his mind, every night, killing himself. 

"But it's cruel. This illusion of perpetuity. As time marches forward, even the mightiest nations fall, gods erode and the sun will burn out," and the way she looked at him, it left scars,

"But that is simply the truth of this world."



The seasons must be changing, because the winds were blowing colder than usual.

I shivered under my blanket leaf. Waiting out here was no fun. Unlike Mondstadt, the crystalflies of Dragonspine do not congregate together to dance or play, preferring to drift about in their own solitary business. They would dart away if I tried to come too near, so I was left with no company, all alone under a thin layer of browned leaf to shield me from the cold winds.

Of course, I contemplated returning to Mondstadt - several times actually, to Klee and Alice who might have appreciated me more. At least, they wouldn't drive me away like he did.

But... I looked into the shadow of the cave ahead.

He has been in there for a while now.

Something gurgled in me, but anger surged quickly after.

That stupid, stupid!! Hmph!! I don't care about him anyway!!

I ducked under the leaf, hating how I was still wishing that I was in his hair instead. As if to mock my plight further, a gust of wind came by, blowing off my feeble cover into the air.


I kept my wings as horizontal as I could to retain some heat beneath them.

It must be warm in there , I thought, fixing my gaze at the cave. Perhaps I could venture in...

just to find shelter from the wind, nothing else!

Lifting my feet off the branch, I swooped onward, more hastily than I had intended. I must be very enthusiastic about getting out of the cold winds. Yet, as I approached the shadowed entrance, cowardice seized my wings, yanking them to an abrupt halt.

Dread weighed- clung on my wings.


"Don't follow me anymore."




GRAHHH Dammit!! He's...he's...!! I flew about in steaming anger.


I flinched to a freeze.


Was that...his voice? It echoed through the cave as a croaked whisper, plagued with sharp, pinching misery.

...He doesn't sound well at all.

Within my core, worry supplied me with courage to peer in.

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