Wednesday 11th May

11 1 0

Dearest Shadow,
I don't exactly know how to write it, but I feel I must. He said he needs time, how can one need something that cannot be possessed? Alas, I am not happy, nor am I sad. It is like I have sunk into an empty void, from where my emotions have fled. A better description might be the removal of my heart, watching it in its cage outside my body. I cried for days now my heart has exhausted its energy. I barely feel it beat let alone pump love, hate, sadness, regret and happiness through my limbs. I look in the mirror just to see a shadow, a ghost clinging to the last physical form it can, numb lifeless eyes stare back from my reflection judgment, painted on its face. With a shallow laugh it reaches through the glass, the broken barrier boiling around her wrist as her slender hand tenderly tucks my stray hair behind my ear. Softly she places her hand on my cheek, before retreating back into the silvery ocean of glass.


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