Saturday 14th May

3 0 0

Dear Shadow

The sky is enveloped in darkness, the stars screech as they are ripped from their place in the constellations. The roaring flames of the brightest sun extinguished tearing the warmth from all planets. I sit on the clouds and listen peacefully to the cries of the living. Now I've taken away their light they know what it feels like, the empty void in my soul echoes my plea to feel. I choke on emotions as I try to force them into my system yet my body rejects it. My veins darken, my lungs constrict, this poison infects every cell, blackened blood spills from my lips. I scratch at my skin, scraping it away to pull out my rotten heart. They pull my hands away from me whispering slowly as they stab me. I shake and scream my last attempt to fight them off before my eyelids become too heavy to hold high.



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