Symbols and Origins

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Hello there. Before beginning this book, I must get you familiarized with the counter species of this AU. However, these are not only associated with the Little Club but they are associated with anyone I write into the AU in general.

But nevertheless let's get started.

*There are four species that coexist in this world...

The fox, The cat, The rabbit, and the bear.

These four are the only species to live together in harmony.

(Not specifically in this order though)

You see, there are specific rules that have to be followed by each species in order to live in peace.

The order goes this way:

Bear, Fox, Cat, Rabbit.

*As you can see, they are arranged from dominant to not dominant at all

There is a reason for that, but it will be explained later.

However, these four animals determine ones soul from the time they are born to the time they are deceased.

This is because of a war that took place a long long time ago.

Between foxes and cats.

But still, another story for another time.

As these four live on though, there's a certain arrangement of power and strength that must be followed as well.

For example:

The bear is stronger than the fox, the fox is stronger than the cat, and the cat is stronger than the rabbit.

The rabbit however, is literally the bottom of the chain, while the bear remains at the top.

The fox and the cat nevertheless,  are in the middle.

This comes from the mind set that if even one of the species decides to disobey the rules if their species, then all chaos would be set free.

But enough of that now.

Time to go over the animal roles and traits.

The roles and traits of these four species are literally what keeps things in line and makes the species the type that they are.


The Bear: A tyrant. Always wants things to go his/her way. Never really considerate of anyone else. Only cares about themselves 85% of the time. 34% are nice and friendly,  while other are strictly just jerks.

The Fox: A protector.  Always knows what to do in life threatening situations.  Intimidating to smaller species. A large sex drive/lusting ability, but smaller than the bears by default.  Can manipulate any species into doing what he/she wants, including its own species half the time. Fox cubs are more violent than fully grown foxes. They do not admit when they are scared or nervous because it makes them look weak.

The Cat: A weak asset. Cannot protect anyone except their own kind. Needs to be protected due to their weak minds and Lack of intelligence. They can hunt and care for themselves unless they've been completely injured in some way. Then a fox would need to take care of them. Kittens are a lot more soft than fox cubs. Cats can be very vulnerable yo intimacy. Not from their own kind but from foxes in general.  And sense of defiance would lead to an attack or the cat being traumatized in some way.

The Rabbit: The weakest species. Mainly food for Foxes and enemies to the cats. They dig holes and live within them. They enjoy carrots and can have up to 25 babies at a time.

>>>Any other species, like skunks or squirrels, will established probably later on in the AU. But for now these are the only four.

>>>Anyone mentioned in this AU will be crossed with a human. They would not be completely human, only 50% of them will be human. The other 50% will be their perspective animal.

>>>With the exception of their souls and the specific parts of that animal(ears, tails, claws,  etc..)

>>>Mind you this is a (The Little Club AU) So the first books will revolve mainly around them.

>>>This book is just an introduction to the AU so when reading the stories no one is confused.

Alrighty,  hopefully I didn't waste too much time.

Now then, where were we?

Oh right, The Little Club!


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