Before Night Breaks

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Chapter 1

"Leave me alone" I moaned as Kimmy yanked on my arms, my head thrusted backwards. "Get up." she sternly commanded as she let go and watched my head land safely back on my pillow. "Shut up, its eight." is said as i rolled onto my right side. "No baby, its one." she told me in a hushy tone. "fuck" i said as i trampled out of bed and into my clothes. 

"Whats the rush?" Kimmie asked as she lay on my bed.  A squeaky moan escaped the worn bed as she thrusted her weight into it. Marie, my watcher told me i would be on kitchen duty if i woke up late again. "Kitchen duty." we both said in unison. Kimmie and i live in an orphanage. In fact there are only twelve of us left here. That's why the watchers have extra time on their hands to keep us at West Lake Orphanage. 

Kimmie and I met in second grade and were good friends ever since. Although we weren't 'the best of friends', our parents were. One day they all went on a double date and had a babysitter hired for us. Kimmie and i were seven at the time. The got in a cab with a terribly drunk driver and got into an awful crash. Both my parents and Kimmies dad died. Kimmies mom tried to take me in and take care of both of us. One day she just disappeared. 

Kimmies grandma sent us to West Lake and we have grown up here ever since. Marie was our watcher, other known as body guards or "parents". The watchers were in charge of keeping us in our rooms at the right times and keeping us out of our rooms at the wrong times. We used to have a watcher named Malinda. She used to seek us food at our starving hours at the middle of the day. One day Dr. Peledine found out and she was fired. 

I ran out into the hall way and slid down the railing towards the drilling center. Here, we have periods, like school. But, we only have one education period. My schedule on Tuesdays is drilling, edu., lunch, track, lift, and then free. Our schedules rotate everyday. Kimmie and I only have edu. together, with the most strict teacher ever: Dr. Peledine. 

I skidded into the entrance way of the drilling center to come face to face with Marie. i began to stutter as i started fiddling my fingers."I..I...-" She quickly cut me off"Oh Flin. Honey. If i were you i would just let god take me now. It will save you the pain." She smirked as she threw a punch and hit me square in the nose. I started to whimper as my nose oozed blood. Marie came close to my face. "Now, my dear Flinny, if you EVER come late to drilling again, concider yourself quadderned. Those were the last words i heard before everything went black.

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