Chapter One: Adrenaline Queen

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Once upon a ti - screw that. This isn't going to be some fairy tale or fable. There's no charming princes or knights rescuing damsels in distress. No heroes in tights, wise- cracking sidekicks, and virtue robbing villains. Don't get your hopes up for some steamy romance or epic adventure to save the world. We can't tell you there won't be tragic deaths, pointless expenditures, and quite a few other hedonistic pleasures. Innocent people may get caught in the crossfire and if you lack the stomach for this twisted little wonderland then go back to your heart thumping vamp novels, boy band fanfics, and Disney Channel. No one's going to sugarcoat anything and tell white lies for some little princesses delicate sensibilities. THIS is a story with many characters of all types involved in all sorts of violent, random, and sometimes perverse schemes.

Now let's go back a few generations in where our story is to take place. Infinity City. A place that was once so boring and povertised, no one could even tell you the state it was in since no one bothered putting it on a map. It was even more miserable for the fact that they've had a drought since the town opened. You could find more water in the Sahara. There wasn't even a monument or legend or talent that would hold any tourist's attention.

One would suspect such a place to be crawling with the typical gutless thieves or merciless cutthroats doing whatever's necessary for survive but alas the town was too uneventful for such characters to develop. Too hopeless (or perhaps lazy) to bother with the efforts of making their town attractive to the world . It also didn't help that people kept to their own with no interest in collaborating with the neighbors and too down on their luck to venture to a more prosperous place. Not long before everything became rust, dust, and mold.

That was until a little impish man blew into town. A peculiar sort dressed in what used to be a fancy suit but now was yellowish and worn from age and relentless wear. He spoke with a honey sweet southern drawl through brittle teeth and his hair was slicked back with a black shine. The personification of an untrustworthy mongrel and quite aware of the feel he gave others. Still, regardless of his character the people of Infinite City never had a visitor before so when he announced himself to the town they listened with the fascination of discovering something new.

With everyone's full attention he went on to say, "Here me pitiful citizen's - " they ignored the insult considerig they were quite pitiful, " - I have no known name but some have addressed me as the Carpenter, the Blacksmith, and sometimes the Magician but you may call me Maker." He said with a small bow. " I can make anything out of anything. So for those of you that would accept a lonely drifter's company, I shall leave with you a one of a kind gift." Having satisfied their curiosity, all the residents left for their respective hermit holes.

All except the bunch that ran the business located at the town's center. They made the decision to care for the imp to squeeze out stories of the outside world. It didn't even occur to them at the time that Maker would actually hold true to his bargain. To each he gave an item as promised and with it came unique properties and the symbol of infinity. These items which appeared normal would transform Infinite City into an ethereal home of the strange and powerful descendants of the old fools that were our ancestors. WELCOME TO INFINITY - where we make up our moral code and the natural law has no authority.

~ Courtesy of Precious the Bartender


"I'll have your house special on the rocks." A rugged stranger ordered while giving Precious a wink.

She ignored his flirtation attempts and turned around to a collection of alcohol and other ingredients stacked neatly on shelves. "One 'One Night Stand' coming right up." Precious proceeded to mix a variety of liquids that didn't look as if they would mix well together before sprinkling a delicious smelling spice on the top. She handed her patron his drink. "Here you go sir."

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