Chapter Six: Fae & The Cake Lady

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  • Dedicated to Gwen

"OK, so the book tablet says two leaves from the strongylodon macrobotrys plant, 1 whole flower from the silene tomentosa plant, and what else? Oh yes! Three drops of udaberrian urre water. Can you get that for me O-Azyl?" Gwen asked of her favorite monster, a 200 pound Muffelpuffer with eight rows sharp teeth, jet black silky fur and the strangest eyes that looked as though he had a human capacity of understanding. He could even walk on two feet if he chose. All in all a most menacing yet captivating creature. But Gwen knew he was nothing but a giant furball of love when he wanted to be. She wasn't too far off from being just like him and had a peculiar modernized hippy way about her. She never wore shoes, always just a pair of cute yet durable knee highs and her customized outfits. Even her uniform was customized the day after she recieved it. Everyone avoided to bring up environmental issues or even babies. She would quite literally squeak to be able to converse with someone about it. But everyone learned quickly not to be fooled either and take advantage of her niceness, it wasn't a smart move to be on her bad side. She wasn't angered easily but once she was she gots herself some sweet revenge.

"I already have the Hollyhocks, Marigolds, and Wild-Thyme stems and that peice of trunk from a Hawthorne." She told her monster.

O-Azyl whimpered and lightly jabbed his snout into her side before walking over to the shelf where the remaining items where held. He always got a bit jealous when she was about to summon more monsters, but he knew she wouldn't keep any of them as long as she had been keeping him. She hated making him that way but she was going to need the help of a few dozen Faerie (Fae for short) to plan and cater the big event her boss Cullin got a call about the night before. It called for a lot of work and she needed her reputation as the best in the business to stay that way. O-Azyl brought back the items and she threw the rest of it into the mortar and crushed them up before she chanted the words from the tablet, whose infinity symbol glowed bright with each step of the recipe being performed.

"Little wing keinukaria folk,

txiki dantza oinak folk,

nire hitzak entzun ahal izango duzu, eta ekarri

zurekin bedeinkatzeko elkar ezagutu genuen!"

The ingrediants began to sizzle and mold themselves into thirty-six glorious shapes all ranging in colors from the deepest richest plum to the palest vermilion. Finally they all became the Faerie she had called for.

"You, you and you," she pointed to a third of them and smiled, "please help with the appetizers, I thought a nice creamy and spicy sausage casserole dish would be nice..." Within two and a half hours her and all 37 of her helpers had made a plethora of seven full courses from the appetizers to the dessert, wrapped it all up, and stored it in the freezer in the back and even managed to get through three-fourths of the planning. "Ok you guys! Break time!" she exclaimed to both her and the Faeries' relief. O-Azyl still looked as though he could keep going though. She glared at him with a look of false envy but she was actually pretty greatful to have found a great, helpful monster who turned out to be a good pal. With all the stuff we've gotten out of the way, I might even impress Cullin this time, she thought to herself. As if on cue, Cullin burst through the kitchen's double doors in a frenzy, yelling Gwen's name.

"Cullin? What's up? Why the dramatic entrance of sorts?"

"I JUST FOUND...wait, what are THOSE?" Cullin directed his stare to the dozens of little glowing  colorful lights that seemed to be floating in unison in a circle right above an annoyed but unresponsive (except for the few sharp glances and occasional grunts) O-Azyl curled in a ball in the corner. 

"Fae," Gwen responded with a giggle, "they are trying to make friends but I doubt from that look my O-Azyl is giving them that the attempts will be mutual. So what were you going to tell me?"

"I don't remember, but I'm sure it wasn't important" Cullin dismisses it quickly. But Gwen knew better. That's what he always said right before something bad happened and Cullin remembers that was what he was going to say. "O-Azyl, fetch me my rosemary thyme eggplant mutant tree branch. This should help you remember Cullin" O-Azyl grabs the branch and swings it in Cullin's direction almost hitting him but Gwen catches it in time.

"I swear that stupid mutt hates me like a jealous boyfriend" Cullin announces.

"He does." Gwen answered blankly while ripping off a flower bud and crunching it in her palm till it was powder and dropping it in water. "Drink this. You might be able to remember what you were saying before it's too late and an astroid crushes us or the building explodes or whatever other disaster usually follows your hyponmesia attacks. He gives her an irritable look before taking the powder water and guzzling it down.

"It has no taste" He groans with an even more irksome expression.

"Don't complain. What where you going to tell me?" Cullin's eyes then get big and he lunges at Gwen, grabbing her shoulder and shaking her with unnessecary force and yells mostly incomprehensible sentences. O-Azyl's ears perk and he begins a low  warning growl for Cullin to stop. "Cuuuuullllliiiiiiiiiiiiiin," Gwen exclaims though shattering teeth "whaaaat's the biiig iiiiideeeeaaa!" He calms down and takes a deep breath.

"We have an issue. Guess who the event is for, I'll tell you who. GIA." He looks at her with expectant eyes, waiting for her to react with as much panic as he did. When she stared at him with an expression less paniced and more "Cullin, I don't have time. Spit out the actual problem" he became irritated again and spoke in slower terms like he was speaking to an imcompetent. "I. SAID. THE. EVENT. IS. FOR. GGGGIIIIAAAA...G-I-A...GIA!"

"I hear yah, but I don't see the problem." She said confused. "Gia's pretty bad news but not really a concern not for us."

"Don't you remember who called about the event?" Cullin said, satisfied when realization finally popped onto her face and she only uttered under her breath the name "Cyd". "Gwen, we may have a problem." Right then, O-Azyl began to go crazy, growling and hollering and the Fae began to swirl in unified turmoil (the Fae did everything unified). There was a loud crashing sound then a short silence before a less alarming bang on the building's front door resonated through the kitchen.

In a whisper, Gwen tells Cullin "I'm going to take a wild guess, more like a small chance at hope...please tell me that was just the astroid."

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