Jeongyeon - Polaroid Love

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Your POV

Yeah!! Finally enter university! Got away from parents.. hehehe.. First day, just got my stuff neatly under the bed. My roommate radiate the same energy as me.. We also go to other rooms and make some friends. I also found another 3 students with same course and class, so they basically are my classmates.

The next day, we got to meet our other classmates. Later on that day, we have to register into clubs and more. I join a club that often do volunteers outside cause why not, I get to be out of university and volunteering. I tried to be in some sport club but there isn't unless the university team, so I might try my luck on volleyball or beachball.

First month here went smooth, almost all the subjects went easy on us except the calculation part. Man.. I hate calculations.. Oh yeah! The president mention that we'll be on our first volunteer trip for this semester in next month. It will be at animal shelter. Damn! I cant wait to finally be there.

Fast forward to the day

Everyone that join the volunteer trip gather at the main hallway. The vice president and the secretary call out the names for attendant.

After awhile, they call my name and I put my hand up. Then,

"Yoo Jeongyeon!" no one answer.

Yoo Jeongyeon? Isn't the Jeongyeon that I knew? Jeongie?

"I'm here!!" someone shout.

We all look at the voice owner. It's her.. Still looking stunning as I remember..

"I'm sorry.. My alarm doesn't went off.." She bow to them
"Yeah yeah.. You and your excuses... Just get into line already.."
"I'm saying the truth thoo.." she mumble as she go to the back of line.

Basically just 3 persons behind me. My heart beat fast. We get into the bus one by one. As I get on the bus, I'm happy that some of the backseats still empty. So, I sit on window view. I searching my bag for snacks. Haa! I pick you bubblegum!

"Hey.. Can I sit here?" I look up.
"Err.." I look around the bus and it's already full.
"Sure.." I scoot more to window side since I dont want her to be uncomfortable.
"You dont need to hug the window, you know.. Just be comfortable.." she hug her bag while scrolling her phone.
"O-oh.. Yeah.." I sit properly

Does she recognize me? Yeah? Nope? I'll just gonna play it cool..

I put on my headphone and play my playlist.. Since it's raining, I'm going to slow songs, ones with deep feeling. I close my eyes since it's a long way before we arrive the animal shelter. I'm not sleeping, just a bit more deep into the lyrics.

Damn.. Are these songs mocking my love story?


It's her last day here, in this neighbourhood. Her family will move to Seoul when the sun set.

I run to her house as I just come back from a store..

"Jeongie!! Wait!!" I shout from afar to get her attention

She turn around and see me, she's smiling at me

"What is it?" she ask me when I'm infront of her
"A sec please.." I try hard to control my breath and take a deep breath
"Here.. I got you some keychain and also this polaroid of us" I pull out the keychain and polaroid from my pocket
"Thank you.. I appreciate it! I'll take care of this.."
"You better be! Or I will.."

"Yah Jeongyeon! We're going to go soon! Come in and get your bag!" her mother call for her

"Gotta go now.." she smile and wave
"Yeah.." my smile fade with every steps that she takes

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