Chapter 1

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I walked back to my room with hands bound in chains. They clinked with each step I took. The kidnapper continued to walk at a fast pace, and it was hard for me to keep up with an aching ankle.

"Could you slow down?" I asked while breathing heavily. He ignored me and kept walking. "Hey asshole, I'm talking to you."

"Oh, Princess, I'm mortally wounded," he said, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

"I'm not a Princess," I scoffed.

"Could've fooled me with your little spoiled act," he retorted.

"Excuse me?"

"You're under our rule now. Start acting like it. You can't govern yourself."

"How can I follow someone if I don't even know their name?" I asked while rolling my eyes.

"It's Nathan!" He sighed exasperated. "Could you come on please? You're wasting precious time."

"Please," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that, Princess?" Nathan asked loudly.

"Stop calling me that!" I yelled back.

"Elisa, you're causing a scene," he said while narrowing his eyes.

"If you call me Elisa, there won't be one," I said curtly. We walked all the way back to my room in silence.

He paused in front of the white door. "Go get ready for dinner. The staff probably stocked your closet."

I walked into my room and slammed the door behind me. I opened the wardrobe doors to see a wide selection of black dresses. I randomly selected black fabric and headed into the bathroom.

It was a small room with no color. I looked into the dusty mirror to see my horrid reflection. My dress was torn in my places, the fine cloth ripped and shredded. My makeup was smeared, and cuts littered my face.

I shed my hefty ballgown and got into the shower. I rinsed the dirt and blood out of my hair with a surprisingly nice bottle of soap. I did the same for the rest of my body and got out.

I dried my body with a thin, rugged towel hanging on a metal rack. I slipped the dress on over my head, feeling exposed with the gap showing my side. There was a noticeably immodest slit in the skirt. The skirt was tapered to the side, and it looked like something Danielle would wear.

I shuddered.

I tried to use the cheap makeup supplied for me, which wasn't much. I ended up using the eyeliner and mascara, but nothing else. I put on a pair of black pumps waiting for me inside my wardrobe.

I looked in the full-body mirror with disgust. I didn't look like Elisa Carams, a polite young lady that was always composed in a kept-up manner. I looked like a shameless prostitute, to be honest.

A knock sounded at the door. "Leave me alone," I called. The door opened, despite my request. Nathan walked into the room wearing a black shirt and jeans.

I rolled my eyes. "I think they forgot the other half of the dress," I said while pulling at the fabric."

"Me too," he said while scrunching up his nose. "You look ridiculous."

"Thanks," I said with a voice laced with venom. "Do I have to go?"

"What do you think?" He asked elaborately while leaning on the doorway. I huffed and tried to walk past him. "Not so fast," he clicked his tongue.

"What? Am I forgetting the rest of the dress?" I narrowed my eyes. He pulled a thin black wire out of his pocket and wrapped it around my wrists.

"Is this seriously necessary?"

"Do you want out of here?"

"Yes," I answered in an obvious tone.

"Then yes, they are necessary. They tighten when you try to take them off, so I'd suggest you be a good girl tonight."

"I'm not a dog," I scowled. I shoved him to the side and walked out of the door, not bothering to wait for him. He eventually caught up to me, and I followed him to where I assumed the dining room was.

He pushed open the doors to reveal Captain Ray sitting at the dining table with a young man. His hair was dark, but I couldn't see his face. Ray saw me from across the room and smiled slyly.

Nathan tried to pull my chair out for me, but I slapped his hand away. "I can get it," I snapped. His eyes grew and shrank before he sat beside his father.

"Now, girl, behave," Ray scolded.

"I have a name," I mumbled. I looked around to see nobody was eating. "Are we waiting for someone?" I asked tiredly.

"My fiancé and future brother-in-law," the man sitting beside Ray replied. "I'm John Brown."

"Well, I would say it's a pleasure to meet you, but it's not," I said acidly.

The doors opened loudly and a young lady and a young man walked in. "I'm sorry we're late," she said loudly. Her heels clicked against the tile. I couldn't see her face because her hair was covering it, and the boy beside her simply stared at the ground.

"Girl," Ray chuckled. "This is Lady Brown."

I looked back up at the girl and almost had a heart attack. Her smooth features looked as startled as mine probably did.


Just a btw, I'm not going to posts what dress she's wearing bc I would be super ashamed if someone I knew saw that I was putting this girl in these dresses. Y'all need to understand that the dresses will be inappropriate and pretty slutty.

Also, I hope you liked the chapter. I'm so sorry I made you guys wait, but I will be posting less often to keep my writing process straight. I need the second book to be as good as the first, so less filler chapters!

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