Chapter 18

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We were greeted by Illèan forces that took the three of us to an airport. They had equipped us with sunglasses so that our eyes could adjust to the harsh light of the sun I hadn't seen in four months.

"I can't believe it," I laughed happily. I threw my arms around Nathan's neck, and he swung me around, also laughing. "We got out!"

Nathan slipped his hand in mine, and I squeezed it for comfort. Harrison, Nathan and I all got onto the plane. We walked into the main cabin where there were many comfortable chairs and sofas.

"Elly," a voice called behind me. I twisted over my shoulder to see Aaron standing in the doorway. Everything seemed to move slower after that.

I ran to him. I hugged him as if I couldn't get enough. He stroked my hair, and I cried into his shoulder, my entire body quaking. I breathed in his scent that reminded me of home. My home, the palace, where I belonged.

"I can't believe it," he murmured. "After so long-"

"I know," I cut him off abruptly. I kissed him passionately, as if that kiss was going to make up for all the ones I had missed the past four months. "I love you."

"I love you too, Elly." My nickname rang in my ears sweetly, filling me with joy.

Aaron slipped his hand in mine and we sat down. I noticed Nathan had a look of hurt on his face, and he was clenching the armrests of the seats with white knuckles. "Aaron," I started. It felt so odd to be saying his name again. "This is Nathan Ray."

"Your highness," he addressed Aaron. He replied with a respectful bow of his head. He turned his head, averting his eyes from us. I looked back at him with a little bit of pity, but I felt conflicted within my heart.

The plane took off, and there was no escaping any of this now. Aaron went to the back room, saying that he wanted to rest. He invited me to go with him, but I said no for Nathan's sake. That left the three of us in the main cabin, and Harrison was asleep.

"What now?" He asked.

"I don't know," I said unknowingly as I fiddled with my ring. I didn't know why I was still wearing it; I hadn't thought to take it off. "We can't be together anymore."

"Are you serious?" He scoffed.

"Nathan, I signed a contract signing over my life until I was eighteen, and they have the legality to do anything to me, since the palace are my legal guardians. I have to renew those on my birthday."

"Then you can drop out of the Selection," he said casually.

"No, actually, I can't!"

"Can't, or won't?" He asked sourly. I was taken aback by his suggestive comment, and being startled rendered me speechless. "I confessed my love for you, El. I don't expect you to drop everything for me, but I would at least like the same curtesy."

"I don't know if love anyone at all!" I admittedly fearfully. I realized it the moment I said it. "If I fell in love so easily and so quickly, is it really love? Is it love that I can forget somebody I was with for months, just to move on and love another so quickly? I admit, I have strong feelings toward both of you, but I have no idea what love even is!"

At this point we were both standing and making accusations. We had neared each other, and I was surprised to know that Harrison nor Aaron woke up because of our loud tones. Harrison always was a heavy sleeper.

"Let me show you," he took my hands in his.

"No," I said forcefully. I brought my hands away and pushed him back. I sat back down on a sofa, and turned my back towards Nathan as I laid down. I made myself go to sleep during the long flight.

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