Chapter 10

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I was being shaken awake, and I groggily opened my eyes. I was on a soft blanket, and my head rested on a pillow. I lifted my head and allowed my eyes to adjust to the light. Through my squinted eyes, I could see a disheveled Nathan.

"Get up, El. We have stuff to do today," he said with pity swarming in his golden eyes.

"You're not allowed to give me nicknames," I grumbled before using the blanket back over my head.

"I thought you were supposed to be the polite, reserved one," Nathan muttered as he threw me over his shoulder, the blanket falling off of my shoulders and barely covering my legs.

"Nathan!" I cried exasperated. "Put me down!"

"Fine," he laughed happily. I smiled victoriously until I was put down in a pool of freezing water. I squealed as the water saturated my dress and blanket.

"See," I scoffed. "Now why would you do that? It's freezing!"

"It would've been warm of you had gotten up the first time. Get washed up; we're visiting Ray," he called before leaving the bathroom.

I bathed as quickly as I could, scrubbing Penelope's blood off of me. Tears fell down my face, despite how hard I held them back. I had already thought I had lost before, but the second time was so much harder.

I found the will to rise from the water and forced myself into the dress. It was noticeably long, and looked like something I would wear at the palace, but black. I smiled at the change of style and put my hair into a side bun.

I huffed at the sight of my open back and faced reality. I walked out into the room and turned, so that my back was facing the contents of the room. I cleared my throat, so Nathan could get the message.

He came near to me and zipped it up, and the rapidness of the metal startled me. His warm hand lingered, leaving a large warmth on my otherwise cold body. I shook down the chills rising under my long sleeves,

"Are you ready now?" Nathan asked. I nodded my head, and we both made the familiar walk to Ray's office. The walk was boring, with nothing to look at in the halls. The stark white door to the office opened at Nathan's fingertips.

"Oh, you're finally here," he smiled. "I didn't think you'd be that fast to recover, girl," he taunted.

"When faced under difficult circumstances, I can rise to the challenge. I don't back down easily," I said menacingly. He raised his eyebrows.

"That is a fine quality I would expect in a leader. Now, both of you sit down. I wanted you to reconsider my offer."

"What offer?" Nathan asked.

Ray dug around in his white desk and put the ring back on the desktop. I looked at it blankly. "No," I said monotone. "I said no once."

"You remember how that turned out, correct?" He said evilly. I met his gaze with an icy glare. "You will accept my terms, or the other one goes as well."

"Don't you dare touch Harrison!" I snarled.

"Now now," he clicked his tongue. "There will be no cause for that- if, you out the ring on your finger."

"Fine," I said through gnashed teeth. I reached for the ring to put on my finger, but he stopped me.

"No," he snapped. "Let your fiancé do the honors."

Nathan swallowed and pressed his lips to a thin line. His jaw clenched, and with white knuckles, he put the diamond on my ring finger. His golden eyes met mine with regret and apologies.

"Now," Ray said surprisingly cheerfully. "Let's do a broadcast!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked suddenly and tensely. Every muscle in my body tightened, and suddenly the black diamond on my finger got a lot tighter. I felt trapped, with nowhere to go.

"Hush hush. I can't have you ruining the show," Ray said as he fumbled with the chords to the screen. "Don't speak unless spoken to. Act polite, now."

"You can't control my actions," I spat. Nathan gripped my hand and shook his head. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Don't you tell me what to do, either! I'm not a child!"

Nathan inhaled deeply and closed his eyes shut. He reopened them swiftly before responding. "Just cooperate, please," he said through gritted teeth.

I began shouting at this point. "I'll do as I please. If I'm so important to your plan, then treat me like I am! I sure as heck will not marry you if you continue to treat me like sh-" Nathan went silent, and I noticed Ray laughing quietly in the corner.

I snapped my eyelids shut before sharply turning my head towards him. "And what's so funny?" I yelled. When I opened my eyes, I could see Maxon, America, and Aaron watching me through the screen Ray had pulled up.

"You're marrying him?" Aaron had asked incredulously.

"Aaron, calm down," America scolded.

"Why have you called us this time, Captain?" Maxon asked deadly serious.

"Well, you see," he began. "I came to invite you to what will quite possibly be the wedding of the century. Undoubtedly topping yours, and your son's and whomever he weds."

Maxon sighed deeply and ran his fingers through his hair. "What do you want for Lady Carams? Money, land, what is it?"

"Oh, definitely not, sire," Ray responded sarcastically. "Lady Ray is priceless. If you can see here, my son and the girl will make very handsome spouses." He looked at his hand, boredly. "As will their children."

The rage boiled within my blood. Nathan, too, was gripping the ends of his chair with white knuckles and a pale face. I could even see Aaron's angered expression. I opened my mouth to begin a rant. "You did not just imply-"

"Get under control! We don't need a repeat of last time, do we? I'm tired of your insolence and disrespect!" he boomed. I cowered down in my seat, petrified with fear. Ray held up my hand and showed the ring very clearly, despite my best efforts to take my hand back.

"Six weeks from today," he smiled while showing off the black diamond. "Save the date."


School's out Thursday for me, and I'm super pumped. I get to sit in bed all day and write fanfiction and read fanfiction and live fanfiction for TWO WHOLE MONTHS.

Have y'all seen Pitch Perfect 2? It's aca-amazing.

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