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Charlene's pov

I was still a long way from fighting the queen, the men I fought only got stronger and tougher to beat but I always managed to win at the end.
I got used to going out at night to find Raven and just ride around the empty field until dawn then I go back to the castle to have some sleep.

After today's fight I took a bath and went looking for Raven. The pretty horse came running after I whistled, I smiled and jumped on her back. It was very late at night with a cold breeze that enjoyed, as the wind blew on my hair giving me a sensation of freedom. I reached the tree from the other day where the queen and I had awkward moment. I laid against and before I can fight my sleep my eyes shut and I fell into a deep slumber.

I woke up in a dark room that wasn't mine, I turned around and I felt someone warm body next to mine. Out of fear I jumped out of the bed only to recognize the room and its owner. The queen groaned and rubbed her eyes with a small yawn. She looked at me sitting on the floor with a confused look, she sighed and turned the other way going back to sleep.

"How did I get here?" I asked myself loudly, I got up and started poking her shoulder trying to wake her up.

"Hey!" I said making her sigh and turn to look at me with an annoyed look.

"How did I get here?" I asked her, she rolled her eyes and turned the other way again.

"I found you sleeping next to the tree and I brought you here" she replied sounding sleepy, she yawned and tried to find the right and most comfortable position to sleep.

"Why didn't you take me to my room instead?" I asked confused,

"You should be glad I took you inside or you'd be sick, now let me sleep" she replied annoyed, I huffed and walked out of the place so I can change to my armor. I ended up falling asleep again in my room and Lupus had to wake me up to tell me there was no fight today because they had a guest.

I wore an elegant black and silver dress that reached the ground but didn't cover my shoulders because Lupus said I had to look presentable. When I was done getting ready, I left my room to go to the dining room where the guest would be.

I saw a woman with a red and golden dress sitting next to the queen, the didn't even notice me walk in because they were busy talking to each other which annoyed me.

"Morning" I said taking my usual seat, the queen smiled at me and made sure to show that she was checking me out.

"This is princess Katia, and she's paying me a visit to congratulate me on the successful raid" she said without taking her eyes off of the woman, I smiled at the princess and she did the same.

"Nice to meet you" I said politely, she nodded and they quickly went back to their conversation which kind of bothered me because I felt left out. I noticed the queen grabbing the princess' chin and smirk as she looked down at her lips. I rolled my eyes and excused myself since I didn't have the appetite to eat anymore.

I spent the whole day in my room reading a new book that I found, I didn't even have the energy to go see Raven so I just laid on my warm bed.

The next few days, same thing has happened. Them being all over each other in front of my food, how disrespectful. Luckily, I was able to fight again even if the queen wasn't there to watch which was kind of upsetting.

The guy was my age maybe, or a couple of years older. We were in the middle of the fight, both of us breathing heavily but neither of us dared to surrender, I felt someone's eyes on me and I turned to look behind me. The princess was walking along with the queen, I heard the guy charge at me and I stepped away without looking at him, I put my leg out and he ended up tripping and falling out of the circle meaning I won. The queen nodded her head in approval and put her hand on the princess' waist as they walked closer to where I was.

"You're almost done fighting, you're halfway there." The queen said with no expressions on her face,

"I think you're very brave princess Charlene, I wish I was as strong as you but I'm just a spoiled one that can't fight" the princess chuckled and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at the fakeness in her tone. Instead, I smiled and looked at queen who was just starting at me. I walked past them, what is the real reason behind the princess' visit? Why was she here? Is it to disturb my peace? I hated how she came and took all the attention from me, but who's attention did I crave? The queen's? Maybe I got used to her company, no, I don't want that. I need to go back to my kingdom, I shouldn't forget the reason I'm doing all of this, to kill Leonor...

Stupid Katia stealing the queen's attention from Charlene 🙄


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