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Leonor's pov

How am I still alive? How did I not die after I pierced a sword through my stomach? Well... I have no idea if I'm being honest, my doctor said I pushed it on my side and it barely hit any organs, should I be happy that I was alive? Maybe, maybe not. Even god doesn't want me...

I stayed in bed for over two weeks unable to move, thankfully Katia came to the castle and took good care of me until I got back on my feet, I demanded that nobody would be informed that survived except my people. They were loyal enough to keep their promise and not out the secret to outsiders.

For the past month I've been able to go hunt with my men outside the kingdom and I was well aware on what territory we were on, but I decided not to think about it too much, or her...

I can't believe they let her take Raven, I scolded the guard who gave her my favorite horse so now I had to ride on a different one. We were deep in the forest and I saw something move behind the trees, I grabbed my bow and silently put the arrow on it. I carefully waited for the deer to move and pulled on the string, the animal still didn't notice our presence. Just when it looked up I let go of the string releasing the arrow and it pierced right in the deer's eye. I chuckled in satisfaction and got off the horse, two of my men walked to the now dead animals and picked it up. Behind that deer was a large lake, a very beautiful view, the waterfall poured into it. I kneeled and touched the cold water with my hands then splashed it all over my face and neck, an ear piercing scream made me and all of my men on guard. I grabbed on my sword and looked for the source of the sound, and to my horrible surprise. I saw a woman falling from the top of the waterfall and landed in the water with a loud splash. I quickly threw my sword on the ground and jumped in the water towards the woman, I dived deeper until I reached her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I swam to the surface then to the shore still not looking at her face since her hair was hiding it.

I dragged her on the ground and out of the water and put my head on her chest to check for a heartbeat, thankfully there was a slow beat. I pushed her hair out of her face so I can see and I was shocked, Charlene's face was pale because of the cold water but she was still very beautiful. I didn't know that I was staring too much and not doing anything about her not breathing until one of my men came running and started pressing on her chest, I few pumps and she woke up throwing up all the water in her lungs. Before we knew it, she passed out again. I sighed, was it in relief that she was alive or in annoyance because now that I saved her I had the urge to take her with me. I don't think her falling from the top of a waterfall was an accident, I picked her up and put her on my horse. I jumped behind her and ordered everyone to pack up because we were going back to our kingdom.

Charlene's pov

My head was aching and so was my whole body, my eyes felt heavier than usual and I couldn't open them easily. I groaned and rubbed them softly, a light blinding me but I quickly turned the other way. I looked around the place that seemed very familiar recalling what has happened, then everything came to me. That bastard Frederick tried to murder me and make it look like an accident, my thoughts were interrupted by the door opening.

"You're awake" her voice was still as southing as the last time I heard it, my eyes widened at the sight of Leonor standing in front of the door with a bored look. I couldn't find my words or the thoughts, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, she was alive and in front of me. Am I dreaming? Was this all a dream?

"So you don't know how to swim" she said walking closer, my mouth was still agape with no words coming out.

"" I finally let out, she rolled her eyes and sat on the chair in front of me. A few seconds of pure silence, she finally had enough and stood up to leave.

"Wait!" I yelled unexpectedly which made her stop and turn to look at me with a wondering look waiting for me to say something.

"I- I'm glad you're alive" was the only sentence that came out and that didn't seem to get a reaction out of her because she rolled her eyes and left. I plumped back on the bed with my head between my hands, everything went so quick. Almost getting murdered and Leo still alive and I'm in her castle in her room and on her bed. Wait she saved me...

I jumped out of the bed and went out of the door to look for her, I ran through the dark hallways trying to find an exit and I found myself in the dining room. I kept looking around but she was nowhere to be found, literally disappeared. I sighed and decided to give up looking and turned to go back to the room but my face hit someone's chest. I looked up and Leonor was standing there with an annoyed face, before she could speak or move I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug. She didn't budge nor did her arms touch me, she just stayed still until I pulled away.

"I- thank you for saving me" I mumbled looking at floor, her finger touched my chin and pulled up to look at her. She was so beautiful and the way her eyes stared at me made me feel things, my heart was going crazy but of course she didn't know that.

"If I knew it was you, I wouldn't have pulled you out of the water" she said coldly, my heart sunk at her words. She has every right to hate me, she could kill me for betraying just like she did to Lupus. She pushed past me and left me once again alone in the empty room, swimming in my own thoughts. My feet slowly made their way back to her room, the bedsheets smelled like her and I loved it. I sighed laying my head on the pillow and sooner my eyes shut and fell into a deep sleep.

Leo is hot ngl....


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