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Charlene's pov

It wasn't a long trip from Freda's treehouse to Leo's castle, she's brought two horses with her the last time she made the trip. So me and her would go on one and Freda on the other, we walked through the gates and a guard met us so he could take the horses back to their stable. Leo grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the castle, then to her room.

"Come on let's take a bath" she said and started to take off her clothes, for some reason I felt shy all of a sudden. At the sight of her fit body and perfect muscles my cheeks started to warm up. She rolled her eyes with a small smirk and dropped her pants, I watched as she walked in the other room where the bath was located. After taking off my clothes I followed after her, she was already in the tub with her eyes closed. I got in with her and she pulled me between her legs, I laid my back against her front and relaxed trying to ignore the fact that her print was literally pressed to my lower back. She played with my hair and groaned in satisfaction, this felt so good.

"Today, we rest. And tomorrow we talk about what we're going to do about Frederick" she whispered then kissed my shoulder and neck. She grabbed a cloth from the table next to us and started to clean my wound gently trying not to hurt me.

"I'm sorry my love..." She whispered, she kissed my neck where the wound was and sighed. I turned to look at her with a small smile on my face, I leaned closer to her face and pecked her lips.

The next day, I woke up to arms wrapped around my body. I turned to look at Leo, she looked so cute when she slept. Her long lashes were more visible now that her eyes were closed. I let my fingers caress her cheek and jawline, her eyes slowly opened and she smiled pulling me closer.

"Stop staring..." She whispered sleepily, I chuckled and pushed her on her back straddling her waist. She groaned and put her arm over her face to shield her eyes from the light coming from the windows.

"C'mon we have to get up" I said bouncing on top her, for me it was an innocent move but to her it meant something else. Her eyes shot open in surprise, she stared at me up and down and I felt her print poke my ass. When I realized what happened, I felt my cheeks warm up and I tried to get off of her but or course she didn't let me. She grabbed my waist and flipped me on my back, her hand started feeling up and down my side while her lips gently traced my exposed neck.

"As much as I want you right now, we have to get out of bed" she whispered with a small smirk, she got off of me and went to the bathroom. Damn you... I mumbled.

We went to the dining room where Freda was already having breakfast, she smiled and asked us to join her like she owned the place making Leo roll her eyes.

"So what's the plan?" she asked to Leo as she took a bite of her bread. I took a seat and digged in the delicious food, Freda wiped her and leaned back on her chair.

"We raid the kingdom...again" Leo replied giving me a side eye, Freda nodded not really sure what she was supposed to say.

"And you think your army is strong enough to defeat Charlene's and Frederick's?" Freda asked again, Leo smiled and pointed to the door. We both gave her a confused look and then on time, princess Katia walked in the room with a big smile.

"Good morning" she said kissing Leo on the head then sat next to me, she grabbed my hand and patted it gently.

"I'm glad you're okay sweetheart" she said to me, I looked back at Freda who had her mouth wide open in surprise as she stared at Katia.

"I didn't know you had guests, I'm Katia and you are?" Katia said to Freda who stood up and walked towards her, she bowed grabbing Katia's hand and placing a kiss on it.

"Your future wife" she whispered making me and Leo laugh, Katia just chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully.

"I don't think my husband would like that" she replied, I felt a hand on my thigh and I looked at Leo who was smiling at Katia as if she was stroking my thighs, way too close to my core.

"Katia, this is Freda. She saved Charlene back in the forest." She said, I cleared my throat and wiped my mouth with a cloth. I decided to say something before I end up letting an uncalled for voice and embarrass myself.

"So you're going to join your armies and raid my kingdom?" I asked Katia, Freda on the other hand has left the conversation and still stuck in her little thoughts while staring at the princess.

"Didn't Leo tell you? You're leaving in two nights, my husband and Leo will be leading the army" Katia explained taking a strawberry from Freda's plate and eating it, I'm sure Freda saw her life flash before her eyes. I cringed at the looks they were giving each other and focused on Leo's hand.

"On second thoughts Leo, I think I hurt my back. I must stay at the castle" Freda said rubbing her shoulder,

"In your dreams" Leo said getting up, we all left the room. Freda left to the guest room, Katia as well. Me and Leo went back to her room, she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck. I leaned against her and let her hands touch my burning body. They rubbed and caressed every inch, her fingers wrapped around my breast and massaged it leading to a soft moan exiting my mouth.

*Smut warning*

Leo flipped me around and pushed me against the door, she smirked and dropped to her knees. She pulled a knife and cut my dress open, she grabbed one and put it over her shoulder then pushed her face between my legs. My hand unconsciously went to her hair while her tongue played with my wet folds, she sucked on my lips then flicked her tongue on my clit fast making me jerk back. She kept on doing that until I couldn't take the abuse, I tried to push her head away but her arms wrapped around me tightly keeping me in place.

"L-Leo...I can't.." I tried to speak but th words were replaced by my moans, she didn't stop after my liquid coated her face. She pushed her long tongue inside of me fucking my hole, I couldn't not move so I matched her movements, grinding my hips on her face picking up the pace when I felt that my orgasm was close. On queue, my legs started shaking and my lower stomach started tightening and I felt myself release again, I looked down at her and she was already staring at me with white stuff in her open mouth. I watched her swallow it and stand up with a huge smirk on her face. Her arms still around my waist helping me stand on my weak feet.

"Delicious..." She whispered pecking my lips, I was still trying to catch my breath and I could tell she wanted more...


Hello my dear readers, I had finals that's why I couldn't update. Here's a nice chapter for you.

Smut next chapter?

Love you all!!


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