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Once upon a time there was a princess loved by her people, she was the sweetest and strongest out of all the past princesses. She fought for her Kingdom and was meant to be a great successor. Until one day, the enemy kingdom decided it was time to raid, they came to the princess' home destroyed and killed everyone with no hesitation or guilt. All because their ruler was a sucker for power and they couldn't not raid such rich Kingdom.

Charlene was in town checking on her people, she'd look after them and see if they were doing okay and if they needed anything. She saw an elderly woman sitting in the corner, so she and her guards went to her and crouched in front of her.

"Are you alright?" She asked the elderly woman, the woman smiled softly and wrapped her scarf around her shoulder. Charlene took off her coat and put it around the woman's head shielding her from the cold.

"Your highness, you're gonna get cold" one of the guards protested but she only smiled and patted his shoulder telling that she was okay. Everyone smiled at her and bowed their head in respect as she walked gracefully through the streets. She smiled at the blacksmith who was a dear friend of her father's and he bowed then went back to making swords.

She was caught off guard when the emergency bells started to ring loudly, her eyes widened and she stared in horror as the town door was kicked down. The leader of the enemy army was sitting on his horse in front of gates swinging the sword in his hand smugly. She couldn't see his face because of the full black armor they were wearing.

"Your highness! You have to go back!" One of the guards yelled trying to pull her but she stopped him she quickly walked inside the blacksmith's shop and grabbed an already made sword and cut her dress to the knees. She looked at the sharp objects and stared at her reflection. She swung the sword around her feeling the familiar grip that she loved taking a deep breath, she was determined to fight for her people and she was going to do it even if it meant her doom.

She stood in the middle of the street dragging the sword behind her leaving a long tail from the blacksmith's door to where she was standing. The enemy knight titled his head to the side looking at her curiously then pointed with his sword towards her. His men started filling the town from every corner, anyone who came in her direction was sliced open. She ducked avoided one man's sword and spun cut his head off. She smirked at the knight who was still watching her from afar. Her men started coming trying to fight the enemies back. She grabbed one guy's arm and tripped him then pierced her sword through his chest.

She looked around the place and her men were getting outnumbered, she had to get to her father before they get to him first. She backed away and started running towards the castle, her guards let her in and closed the gates. She saw some of town people seeking shelter inside and she gave them a reassuring smile and tried to find her father. She walked to his chamber and he was pacing around looking terrified.

"What are you doing father?! Our men and our people are dying and you're hiding?! We need to help them!" She yelled, he didn't look at her nor did he say anything. He kept mumbling inaudible word that she could comprehend.

"We have to we need to" he said suddenly grabbing her by the shoulders, she pushed him away and started at him like he was mad.

"You're going to abandon them? Now? When they need you?!" She yelled frustrated at her father, she knew he was scared but she never saw him as a coward. She was disappointed in him but mostly in herself because she out of all the residents of the castle was the one who's supposed to help and protect her people.

"You're a coward!" She ran out the room with the sword still in her hand to hear screaming and yelling, she was met by an enemy man with his sword ready to kill. He tried to cut but he was nothing compared to her, she quickly got rid of him and stabbed his neck then went running to the great hall. The black knight from earlier was standing in the middle of the room with dead bodies all over the floor, bodies of her men and people. The knight looked up at her and tilted his head again, it seemed like it was a habit to show his curiosity. She yelled charging at him but he just moved his sword fast blocking her blows. They kept fighting each other and you can hear the loud clicking of the metals against each other. He grabbed her by the arm and spun her around trying to push his sword to her neck but Charlene blocked him with her own sword, she felt the metal armor press on her back as he pushed his sword closer, he was stronger than her but she was faster. She crouched and turned hitting him on the side, to her surprise, the knight winced but it sounded more feminine than she expected. She ignored her thoughts and charged at him again, only this time the knight slide under her then tripped her making her fall dropping her sword in the process. He pointed his sword closer to her neck and she only stared at him in hatred and disgust.

"Stop! Please!" She heard her father yell from across the room, the knight still pushing the tip of his sword towards the princess' neck he turned to look at the king.

"I'll do anything, just spare her life and my people's." The king dropped to his knees and held his hand in front of him in a begging manner. The knight kicked the sword away from the princess as his men filled and surrounded the room. He started taking off his helmet and Charlene expected to see a rough bearded man with scars all over his face instead she was met with a feminine figure with shorter hair.

"My name is Queen Leonor and you might know me as king Leo the great, and you king Henry, you are a coward and you don't deserve this rich Kingdom." She walked closer to the king with a disgusted face, she grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up making him wince all her men started laughing at him as she humiliated him in front of his daughter.

"And now you're begging me to spare your life?" She pushed him on the ground, Charlene ran towards her father and hugged him in a protective way.

"I- I'll give you all you want, just leave us!" The king begged, he was too old to fight so he just wanted to save his daughter.

"How pathetic can you be king Henry" she chuckled pointing her sword to his neck. The queen's eyes looked at the princess and they held contact from the longest while, this girl was different, she wasn't afraid of her like everybody else and that interested her. Her sword was now in front of the princess' face.

"I want her, you'll legally marry her to me so your Kingdom and mine will be one. And both....under my control" the queen said smugly, the king stayed silent for a while then sighed loudly.

"I accept" he mumbled, making both the queen and his daughter give him a surprised look.

"Father?!" Charlene argued, the queen sword pierced the king's chest making his daughter scream in horror.

"W-why" the king choked out, the queen smirked and shrugged her shoulder.

"You said to spare your daughter's and people's life not yours" the queen laughed and mentioned for her men to grab the princess. They roughly handled her as she struggled and cried against them, the queen rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around her counselor's shoulder who looked a little unsettled.

"What did I say Lupus? I'll rule this kingdom better than that old man" she laughed and patted his shoulder, the queen got on her horse putting her helmet back and marched back to her kingdom with many treasures and a princess.

Ooookaayy tell me what you think so far!!!


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