4| A Queen Is Never Late

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"Lana, are you ready?", Sean asked, after packing everything they would need for the day into the car, closing the boot loudly since it flipped through his fingers. 

"Dad!", Leo immediately yelled. "You hurt Gabby!", he explained. "Lana says she is really sensitive. I have to take care with putting my school back in as well.", he taught him. 

"Who is Gabby?", Sean frowned, never heard of that name before. 

"The car!!", Leo expressed loudly like the most obvious thing on this planet. "Lana said her car has feelings and we need to be careful with it. It's like Bumblebee, dad!! I just never saw it turn into a robot.", he said disappointed. 

"Lana told you that?", he smirked with raised eyebrows. "I guess someone is afraid of scratches.", he mumbled to himself with a little laugh. 

"Anyway. What are our two girls doing? We're going to be late.", Sean wondered, heading back inside to have a look. 

It was the first day of shooting for the whole Maguire-Parrilla family, which meant a lot of excitement and kids that behaved like being on a sugar rush, well Leo and Flynn did. 

The first episodes without the kids were already shot. Lana had expectedly more work to do than Sean since she appeared often as a guest star in Snow's storylines and had more episodes focused on her character as well. That's why she started filming a couple of weeks ago already. 

They had brought the kids to set one time to let them explore the area, so today wouldn't be too overwhelming for them but even with knowing where they're gonna go, Flynn and Leo just were all over the place because of their excitement. 

It was already the middle of February, which meant that their parents had 2 months of arguing with them about why they can't come to set every day just yet. 

"I am coming.", Lana shouted from upstairs, finally coming down. "Sorry. Needed to change Amélie AGAIN.", she complained since she originally finished everything on time before recognizing the need for another diaper change. 

Lana placed the little girl in her car seat, before going to the passenger side, being exhausted just because of the normal morning chaos in the house. "Everyone ready to rock?", She asked, looking through the front mirror at their kids.

"Yaaaaaayyy", Amélie said, throwing her arms in the air since she learned by now that it was always something positive happening when Lana was asking that question. Everybody in the car started laughing, when she did that, knowing that this day would be very special. 

They arrived on set just 20 minutes later, hopping outside of the car like a mini professional group. Flynn took Lola on her leash whilst Sean had Leo and Lana on his hand. 

"Look who's coming here!", Colin shouted out eagerly to see his best friend on set. He and Sean shared a special connection since day one. Back in the days they even decided to buy houses in the same street to easily go and visit each other, especially with having kids roughly around the same age. 

[A/N: True fact. Sean and Colin decided to move together to the same street] 

"Silly!", Amélie just commented, whilst pointing at Colin, which let everyone burst into laughter.

"You know little one, 'silly' isn't actually my name. That's just what your father calls me all the time. I am Colin.", he corrected with his super Irish accent. 

"No.", Amélie shortly said, not convinced by his statement before seeing Bex. She didn't really care about the redhead, to be honest, but she knew by now that Bex was always coming with her friend. "Lee Lee?", Amélie asked and wanted to go down immediately to have a look around. 

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