14| City Of Love

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"Lana.", Sean said with a warning voice. "Why are there clothes from you in my suitcase?", he asked. 

"Because…. It didn't fit in mine anymore?", She grinned apologizing with the sweetest smile she got. 

"We said only one suitcase… how am I supposed to put all my stuff in half of mine whilst you are having one and a half?", Sean chuckled but Lana had already found an alternative and had put some of Sean's clothes into a backpack.

"Problem solved?", She asked, pointing at the backpack like an innocent toddler. 

"Woman.", Sean laughed, grabbing Lana without a warning to swirl her around before falling into the bed with her, which made Lana giggle even more. She had no chance against Sean's tiggle attacks even though she has the better technique for self-defense. But Sean had learned over the months that she is basically unable to do anything when she is being tickled, so he uses it as a weapon against her. 

"Sean stop!", she laughed uncontrollably, trying to wiggle out of his arms but her boyfriend reacted fast and swung one leg over her body, to gently sit on her hip but without putting his weight on her completely. "Please! Please!!", Lana pleaded, laughing so much that it was getting hard to breathe. 

"Alright, alright.", he finally said, laughing himself before letting go of his girlfriend. "I don't want you to suffocate because of me.", he chuckled whilst Lana was catching her breath again with a loving smile on her lips. 

"Well thank you. Because I really would love to keep living with you and the kids.", she chuckled. "I really feel bad about leaving them for five days. I mean… they are with your parents and later also Tanya's but still…", she confessed with a sigh. 

"I know… I felt like that as well the first few times when I went out with Tanya but honestly… We put our kids first 98% of the time…so it's totally okay to take the last 2% for us sometimes. Something you will learn over time.", he smiled. "And I can't wait for Paris.", he confessed with a sweet grin on his face. 

"Yeah… I think you're right. And we can video call as well", Lana said. "Did you print all the tickets? I mean… I know we have them on our phones as well but I don't really trust that. If the phone breaks we would be in trouble.", she said. 

"No worries. I got everything.", Sean smiled. We are traveling by train to Paris tomorrow morning, taking a taxi to the hotel and having lunch somewhere around. The rest is a surprise…all I can tell you is that we have to be at the convention on Friday evening for the cocktail night.", Sean chuckled. 

"Cocktails sound great! We haven't had some for ages. I might even go for some non-alcoholic ones…?", she said, which was more like a question to herself. "No… forget about it. I want the ones with alcohol.", she laughed. "Are we going to tell people that we're together at that con?", She asked. 

"I would say when the moment is right…", Sean nodded. "I wouldn't like to come on stage and tell everyone out of nowhere… but maybe there is a moment when it feels right, you know? It's hard to hold myself back to kiss you, so I might just do that.", Sean chuckled. "That says a lot I guess."

"Kissing me all of the sudden is totally random, Sean.", she laughed. 

"Oh really? Fans have been suspecting it for ages.", he chuckled. "But to be honest, it's hard to stop as well once I start.", he grinned, before placing a kiss on Lana's neck. "It's always hard to stop.", he confessed, locking his lips with hers, hungry for more. 

"Let's have a shower.", Lana simply moaned, since the bathroom was the only lockable room they had and since Flynn almost bumped into them last time, there was no way they would risk it again. 

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