34| Big Reveal

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"I am still blown away.", Lana smirked, drying her tears when looking at the monitor that showed an already very clear image of a baby.

"It doesn't look like a potato anymore, Mummy!", Flynn grinned. "How big is it though... It's not as big as in the picture is it?", he curiously asked, observing interested everything the doctor was doing.

"No.", the blonde-haired woman chuckled. "It's about 4 inches now.", she said, showing the length with her fingers. "Still pretty small isn't it?", she smiled.

"Yeah! It has to grow a lot still. Because I don't wanna break it accidentally when it's so small.", he confessed. "But... How are you even doing that? Why are you able to look in mummy's tummy with that thingy?", he asked, jumping down from Sean's lap to walk around, having a closer look.

"Flynn.", his dad warned straight away. "Come back, please... The doctor has to do her job and we're just here to look.", he said.

"OH don't worry. He is not disturbing in any way. Trust me. He is not the first child coming with his parents but definitely one that is well behaved.", she chuckled. "And with a certain about of interest for everything.", she smirked. "I was the same."

Lana just chuckled. "To be fair the first time I saw you I wasn't even sure if you were the doctor because honestly... You might be the youngest doctor I have ever seen.", she laughed.

"I skipped some classes... That's why... This is my parent's clinic, so I basically grew up with it and started at university with quite some knowledge already.", she explained, before Flynn cut in.

"Can I hold it as well?", Flynn cut in, pointing at the ultrasonic probe that was placed on Lana's lower abdomen, right where her small bump started.

"OH Flynn, no leave he--"

"It's fine.", the doctor answered. "If it is okay for the expectant mother?", she asked with a smile.

"Ehm...Yeah. Sure... Why not.", Lana answered.

"Alright, buddy. I think it's best when you come and sit on my lap, so I can help you.", she smirked.

Flynn didn't hesitate one second, grinning all proud as the doctor let him help. "Okay. So you hold it upright and press it very very gently onto your mama's stomach, yeah?", she instructed, leading Flynn's hand. "Alright. Stop right here.", she smiled, freezing the monitor picture. "And now we have a great view to let your daddy and mommy know if it is a boy or a girl."

"Yeah??", Flynn grinned excitedly. "What is it, what is it??", he asked.

"Well first. As a doctor, you need to ask your patients if they wanna know. Because some want to have a surprise.", she taught him.

"This pregnancy is enough of a surprise.", Lana laughed. "Or do you wanna wait?", she asked turning to Sean.

"No... I couldn't wait that long.", he giggled.

"Okay...", the doctor grinned, placing Flynn on his feet to get a small piece of paper from her desk to write it down, before returning to them, giving the note to Flynn. "Let's tell them.", she chuckled, whilst the boy was already unfolding the paper in his hands, sheepishly grinning when he read the word.

"Come on Flynn. Tell us.", Sean laughed, since he couldn't hold back his excitement.

He just grinned slightly, pressing the note to his chest, so Lana and Sean wouldn't be able to look. "It's a girl.", he smirked. "I am going to have another sister!", Flynn laughed.

"I knew it!", Sean immediately yelled out with a proud smile on his lips. "I just knew it!", he grinned, turning to Lana. "You'll have your little baby girl.", he laughed.

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