25| Gracian

327 21 109

Lana awoke the next morning in peace and quiet, something they hadn't had since leaving her mother's house, which made her frown. In fact, she couldn't hear anybody, which was even more strange. 

She stretched herself and wiggled out of the way too-warm covers to tiptoe to the curtains, welcoming the day with a scrunched face because of the brightness.
She could tell straight away that it was a good day since she was feeling extremely hungry, graving literally everything right now. Too bad she wasn't in a hotel. 

Lana passed her wardrobe, grabbing just a light summer dress to be extra comfortable. She didn't even bother about lenses, just wore her usual big glasses she knew the kids would want to try on. With a chuckle about that, she put her hair in a messy bun in front of the mirror, whilst her gaze wasn't really focusing on her hands.

Her eyes were constantly glued to her midsection. With a sigh she placed the hairbrush down, returning to her reflection. "We need to tell Adam and Eddie about you, bean.", Lana said slightly unsure about how she felt, letting her hand travel softly to her stomach that wasn't showing any difference just yet. 

"Daddy and I love you, okay?", she added with a whisper, remembering how happy Sean's reaction was the previous day. "Whatever happens…we love you.", Lana repeated, finally stepping outside of the bedroom to face the world. 

When she came downstairs, Sean already waited for her in the garden with a picnic prepared for the both of them, right in the middle of the backyard. 

"Morning…", Lana chuckled confused, gently petting Lola, who came straight away to get some morning cuddles. 

"Good morning to you two.", Sean grinned, standing up from the blanket before walking up to his girlfriend to give her a simple kiss, whilst his hand found its place straight away on her stomach, slightly rubbing over it with his thumb to say hello to their mini. 

"What's going on? Where is everyone?", Lana questioned, letting her gaze shift to her boyfriend's hand which felt quite protective over her abdomen, adoring this feeling. 

"I dropped the kids with Trish at the kids club. They are meeting up with Bex… and after that, we will need to pick them up with two cars because we're taking Milo and Bailey until tomorrow morning. I hope that's okay… Amèlie asked if Bailey could come and Milo wanted too. So… yeah… Bex is having a day off.", he chuckled. 

"Ehm… yeah… no… no problem. It's just… When did you organize all this?? Whilst I was sleeping?", Lana laughed. 

"Pretty much… yes… Flynn wanted to go to kids club because his friends are going today and Trish wanted to spend some time with them to get to know everyone. So I asked Bex if she wanted to join. Like that Amê will be occupied as well.", Sean chuckled. "I just had to use your phone. Sorry for that. I didn't want to wake you and I already ordered a new phone."

"That's alright but... Honestly... But why didn't you wake me? Why didn't we all go?", Lana asked. "I haven't seen Trish for months. I wanna talk to her too.", she protested. 

"You will. It's just… I wanted to have a few hours with you alone. And this was a convenient way to get some.", he said. 

"Alright… should I be concerned?", Lana questioned. "You sound serious somehow…", she confessed, making Sean sigh and obviously nervous. "What is it?", she finally asked, getting quite anxious about his reaction. 

"Sit down. I will tell you. Just have your breakfast first…", Sean answered, pulling her down with him on the blanket, where they were joined by Lola immediately. The dog curled up next to Lana, always having one eye open to check on her constantly. 

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