1/Weird Interaction

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On a starry night, the crowd, especially the fangirls, goes wild as they catch sight of the world renowned fashion models, Ran and Rindou Haitani. They were cheering for the two big stars and shouting their name continuously.

"I can never get used to this." Rindou whispered to his older brother.

"What?" Ran said in a loud voice as he couldn't properly hear what the younger Haitani was saying.

"Ugh." Rindou sighed.

Seems like Rindou Haitani isn't having a good day today. Let's have a little rewind on the occurrences in the Haitani household this afternoon.


The younger Haitani came barging inside Ran's room without knocking. His face shows an utter 'pissed off' face.

"Is that you, Rin?" Ran asked.

"Where are you? Could you come here for a sec?" Rindou asked impatiently, tapping his feet fast.

The older Haitani came out from the walk-in closet and faced his brother. He then asked, "So? What's with the rudeness?"

"I thought we're on a day-off for today? Why does the manager want us to come later this evening?" Rindou questioned.

"I might have completely forgotten to inform you about that. Sorry.." Ran replied, feeling a bit guilty on his mistake.

Rindou exhaled and asked his brother, "What are we gonna do for tonight?"

"We're gonna be guests on some kind of event said by the manager." the older brother answered.


Now back at the present time, the Haitani brothers were about to enter the building but Rindou was stopped when his phone couldn't stop ringing.

"I'll go ahead of you. You should take that call now. See you inside, Rin." Ran said.

Rindou who's already in a bad mood went to a quieter place before answering his phone. With the cheering and shouting from the fans, of course he will not hear the person calling.

At the back area of the building, there he took the phone call.

"Will you stop bugging me for today, Sanzu?! I'm busy!" Rindou said in anger.

"Calm down, jellyfish. I was getting bored so I decided to call you." Sanzu, his past co-member from a gang he used to be called Kantou Manji Gang, spoke in a happy tone. Looks like he's the total opposite of Rindou's mood.

"Huh?! Why me? You could've called Koko or someone else other than me!" he responded.

"Oh, you're busy? Then, I'll just call you later! Bye!" the happy man said then ended the call without waiting for Rindou's reply.

'Ah.. this is seriously pissing me off. I hope this day will be over soon.' Rindou spoke in his mind, massaging his forehead using his two fingers.

He shuts off his phone in hopes of not getting disturbed and he goes inside to meet up with Ran.

Unfortunately, before he could enter using the backdoor, he was stopped by a woman screaming his name from a distance. The loudness of the voice getting closer and closer to him.

"Eh..? What?" Rindou muttered as he turned his back to see what was happening.

"Rindou~!!" the woman screamed in a high pitched, loud tone with her arms both up in the air, waving.

"A fan?" he asked himself.

The woman jumped in to hug the Haitani but he quickly dodged her, leading her to land on the hard concrete floor.

"Sorry but I have to go inside. Goodbye." Rindou said, hiding his annoyance.

The woman could only look at the Haitani, starstruck and speechless from the attractiveness of the young man. Rindou was quite bothered by how this woman just kept staring at him.

"Creepy..." he whispered and then he proceeded to enter the building.

'My god. Rindou Haitani, he's so addicting to look at.' the woman thought.


Rindou walks his way to the main hall where the event is being held. Fixing his clothes carefully, he comes across his older brother holding a glass of wine.

"What took you so long?" Ran asked.

"There was a crazy fan outside who was in my way. I just ignored her though." Rindou answered.

He continued, "Anyways, where's the manager? Shouldn't she be here already?"

"She was here a while ago but I lost sight of her. Well, let's just enjoy this event. Hm?" Ran said, grinning.

"Alright. Might as well entertain the other guests." Rindou responded.

The younger Haitani grabbed a glass of wine and 'cheers' with his brother. He now has finally relaxed with the influence of Ran's laid back and chill vibe.


The event finished earlier than expected. Rindou felt lucky and thought that it was a little gift from god.

With Ran sitting on the driver's seat, Rindou takes the empty seat on the back. About to leave the place, he catches sight of the same woman from the back area.

His face went totally shocked and sort of disturbed as he saw the same exact expression that the woman had on her face from before.

"Rin, wanna go somewhere before dropping by the house?" Ran asked.

Rindou couldn't respond. His eyes glued to the woman staring at him from a distance.

"Rin?" Ran turned his back to see the shocked Rindou.

He continued to ask, "Rindou? What's wrong?"

Rindou finally snaps out of it and responds, "N-Nothing! Nothing. I just saw something."

"Like what? Did you see a ghost?" Ran asked, laughing at the end.

"Stop it. I just wanna go home already." Rindou said, sighing. He relaxes his tensed back on the cushion seat and pulls out his necktie. His chest revealed enough as he unbuttons the two buttons on his shirt.

"Hmm. Ok then. Don't forget to bring your necktie with you before leaving the car." Ran said.

"Yeah, yeah." Rindou answered tiredly, yawning.

End of Chapter 1 ✍️

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