6/Stage 1: In Denial

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Ever since Y/n became a maid in the Haitani household, Rindou's morning has changed.

It wouldn't be complete without your high-pitched tone greeting to him, saying the simplest words, "Good morning!".

"Yeah yeah. Now get out before I force you myself." Rindou said. His mood could not get any better honestly.

"Force me into where exactly?" you responded, moving your eyebrows up and down.

You then started to chuckle at his shocked expression. It was cute to look at that you sometimes feel like your heart's gonna burst.

"Get outside my room, Y/n!" Rindou shouted as he pointed at the door.

"Alright. I'll be waiting for you in the di~ning room then. Make it quick." you said as a joke.

You caught how embarrassed Rindou is with your actions that his face has turned bright red making you laugh.

"It's been a month since you've worked here and this is one thing I can never get used to." he said, touching his forehead.

"Ahaha! I'll leave you alone, Rindou. For now~" you said, winking then quietly closed the door.

'That woman Y/n. I can't handle her energy at all!' Rindou spoke in his mind as he grits his teeth.


Eating breakfast in the dining room, the Haitani brothers can be seen while you were outside in the garden area taking care of the plants.

They could clearly see all of your movements because of the huge window between the two rooms. Outside the dining room leads to the garden.

"Say, Rindou. If you think about it, Y/n has been doing a great job in doing all the household chores." Ran started a conversation.

"Hm.." Rindou said, not really paying attention to what his brother's saying.

"Like she can cook, she can clean. She can do everything and it amazes me!" the older Haitani spoke loudly.

"Yeah, Ran. She's a potential wife material." his younger brother replied, distracted at the food.

"Hm? So you do see recognize her hard work and to say that she's a wife material. Wow, Rin." Ran said, continuously bumping Rindou's shoulder.

"Stop it, R-! Wait.. what did I just say?" he responded, surprised at his own words.

Rindou froze for a minute, staring at nothingness.

"No need to get all shy, Rin! Now tell me, how do you actually feel about her?" Ran questioned.

"What I feel..? Hmp! She's annoying and uhm.. pretty annoying. No! I mean very annoying!" Rindou spoke as his mind panicked a little.

"Ohh, I thought you meant pretty and annoying." his older brother said, laughing.

"Well.. she does look pretty." Rindou whispered as he secretly glanced at you.

"Huh? What was that, Rin?" Ran asked.

"Nothing! I said the food is good and I have to go now!" Rindou said as he rushed to leave away from that room.

'I smell love coming in his way.' Ran spoke in his mind, resting his head on his hand.


Rindou hurriedly hid inside his room. Catching his breath, he panicked once again in his head.

'What was that just now?! She looked at me and my body just moved on its own??'

'This is not right. No, it can't be! Ugh, stop it, head! You're making this way more complicated for me!'

Taking a quick trip inside Rindou's head, it was like a war between the left and right brain. The right side being Rindou's true feelings while the left side is the opposite, denial.

A knocking sound made this war stop and Rindou checked to see who it was, not opening the door.

"Rindou? Are you in there? I'm here to pick up your used clothes." you said, speaking loud enough for him to hear.

'Why now?! Talk about bad timing! Damn it!'

Rindou cleared his throat and calmed himself down before opening the door.

He now opens the door and lets you in. You went inside and took the basket.

Before leaving, you decided to present a smile at Rindou while passing by him, giving off a friendly aura around you.

Rindou's heart felt like it was gonna pop out of his body.

As soon as he closed the door, his head went back to the messy war.

'Damn, she's irresistible.. Wait no! That's not my point here!'

"Is my heart being true right now?" Rindou asked himself as he felt his heart beating.

'Ah.. love is so hard to determine.'

Rindou has now undergo the "kilig overload" wherein he cannot control the fast beating of his heart and the unusual hot feeling on his body.

Time went by so slow for Rindou. It felt like he was stuck in time ever since Ran opened up that topic this morning.

But hey! Thanks to his older brother, he now realizes his true feelings for Y/n but he's in.. great denial. Don't worry, soon he will accept it. Have some hope, Y/n!

He's in great denial because since that day you showed up to him, he felt like you're just an attention seeker. All of your actions towards him are.. questionable although you act like a normal person to Ran.

End of Chapter 6 ✍️

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