7/Questioning One's Self

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It was time for the Haitani brothers to work, leaving the maid Y/n alone in the house. You promised them to take care of the house while they are gone and they trust you with it.

"We're gonna leave now. Call us if ever something happens." Ran said as he left with his brother.

"Yep, will do! Goodbye, Rindou! See you later." you said, looking straight at him but sadly, he didn't make eye contact with you.

'The usual Rindou. I thought he was acting a bit different a while ago but I guess it was just my imagination.' you said in your mind as you watched the two leaving.

An idea came into your mind that made you very excited, especially with the thought of Rindou's possible reactions.

We all have those times when we imagine a different version of that person we like that just makes us want to love them more. Is it just me? Hm, if yes then nevermind.

You excitedly went inside and started preparing lunch.


It's now 1 PM and you are waiting for the Haitani brothers at the workplace.

You wondered if they're already finished but with the lobby area being empty, you assumed their work is not yet done.

'I wonder if Rindou is already hungry at this hour. Hmm or maybe he already ate with his brother before arriving here.'

Another 30 minutes had passed of waiting, you saw people coming out of a room. You stood up and went near that area, looking for Rindou.

There, you found exactly what you were looking for. It was Rindou and he's with..... a woman.. again.

You made your way inside and pulled him away from that woman.

"Eh? Y/n? What are you doing here?!" Rindou said, confused.

You stopped pulling him when you couldn't see the woman anymore and then you explained yourself.

"Here. I prepared this just a while ago. Eat it while it's still warm." you said with an upset tone.

"Thanks? Did you really have to interrupt me when I'm clearly talking to someone?" Rindou questioned as he grabs the item from your hand.

"Hmp! It wasn't my fault that you were talking to that woman." you responded, crossing your arms and not looking at him in the eyes.

"What's with the attitude, Y/n? Pft! Don't tell me you're jealous." he said then laughed at you.

"So what if I am?! I already told you from the beginning that I like you, didn't I??" you spoke almost shouting, with your blushed face.

Rindou stopped laughing and looked at your upset expression.

'She truly does like me. Like.. me?'

He covered his mouth, stopping his senses to come through his head.

'Great. Now that just made me remember that feeling. Don't think about it, Rindou. Keep your cool!'

"What's with that look? Did I say something wrong?" you asked as you caught him staring at you.. weirdly.

"W-What? It's nothing. I was just wondering if... you like that outfit!" Rindou said, directing his eyes at random things.

"This maid outfit? Well, it is getting quite boring since I wear it every day. Do you want me to take it off?" you said, seriously asking him such an odd question.

"What do you mean take it off?? Of course, no! Do you want to embarrass yourself in public?" he shouted.

"I mean.. if it's for you then I'd do it but-"

"Keep your clothes on! Please! I'm gonna get in trouble because of you, Y/n."

"So if we weren't in public, you will let me?" you asked, smiling ear to ear.

Rindou couldn't respond. His expression turned to an appalled, blushing expression as his eyes were focused on you.

"Anyway, who was that woman you were talking to? It looks like she's close to you." you raised a question.

"Huh? Oh her. She's just my partner-"


"Partner in modeling! Let me finish first, Y/n. Geez." Rindou said.

"Oh sorry. Are you close to her?" you asked.

"Only for business purposes. We rarely talk outside work. Knowing her, she doesn't want her boyfriend to raise any suspicions on her male coworkers here." he explained.

'So the woman is taken. I feel much better now after hearing that.' you spoke in your mind, now smiling.

"Uh.. Y/n. Do you want to eat lunch with me?" Rindou asked, getting all shy for no reason.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" you asked.

Rindou's blushed face came back and quickly said, "N-No. I just thought that you haven't filled your hunger yet."

"Well, sure. Let's go then!" you gladly said, grinning.

'If this is a date... no. I shouldn't think about that right now.' Rindou said in his head.


Currently, you are beside Rindou enjoying the meal prepared by yours truly, Y/n. Almost finished with the break time, he said something.

"What? You already ate before you left the house?" Rindou spoke surprised by what you just said.

You laughed as you replied, "Yeah! I got so hungry when I saw the cooked food right before my eyes."

"So why did you even bother to just sit here and watch me eat?" he asked, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Heh! I just want to see you. Am I not allowed to do that?" you answered.

Rindou felt his heart skip a beat as he heard those words come out straight from you.

"Whatever. You should go home now before the rain pours. Look at the sky, it's getting dark." he simply avoided answering your question.

You took a quick look up at the sky and agreed with him.

"We look like a couple right now, don't we? Haha! Just kidding. I'll go now just like you said." you said in a soft tone.

Rindou was left with mixed emotions. Confused, disappointed, and kind of down on himself. It didn't feel right to him, being in denial and all.

'Why did you like me, Y/n? Did you see something in me that I couldn't?'

Once again, Rindou questioned himself.

End of Chapter 7 ✍️

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