9/Running Out Of Time?

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Morning has greeted the Haitani household and soon, Rindou wakes up.

"Good morning, Rindou!" you said happily.

He sat down on the bed, yawning. Rubbing his eyes, he responded, "Good morning, Y/n."

You chuckled at how he sounds good in morning voice. 'Wait a damn minute. He greeted me back? And his not mad?'

'What is the meaning of this?' you spoke in your head as you watch your hands trembling with your openmouthed expression.

"Y/n? Oh, you're hands are shaking." Rindou said as he gently held your hands.

You looked at him, blushing. Thinking that 'Is this really the real Rindou in front of me?'

He hummed a question while raising an eyebrow at your blushed face.

"What's the matter? Are you under the weather today, Y/n?" he asked.

"Huh? No! I'm actually jolly today. Hehe, don't mind my weirdness!" you responded, giggling.

"Oh, if you say so. Is Ran awake already?"

"Yeah. He just woke up a bit earlier than you."

"I see. I'll see you later at the dining room."

'See me later?'


Right after Rindou took a shower, he went downstairs to eat breakfast with his brother.

You noticed that his hair was still dripping wet and decided to wipe it with a towel.

While Rindou was busy chatting Ran, you took the chance to do it. With a dry towel on your hand, you went next to him and brushed his soft hair.

You felt so happy that he didn't stop and shout at you the moment you touched his hair.

'This day has been wonderful so far!' you thought.

You then felt Rindou's hand touch yours. He asked, "Y/n, have you eaten yet?"

'The texture of his hand is so soft. I want to hold it so badly.'

"I haven't actually. I'll just eat once you and your brother are finished." you answered.

"Is that so? Eat as much as you want. I don't you to starve yourself." he replied, finishing his food quick.

For some reason, your cheeks couldn't stop from raising and your lips forming a huge grin with your red blushing face.

"Y/n, you should come with us. We're gonna go to an event later." Ran said.

"Really? I can't wait!" you responded.

'This is supposed to be the time where Rindou would shout at his brother and complain as to why I'm gonna come with them.' you thought, smiling secretly at Rindou.


Today was oddly a great day with no Rindou shouting and complaining.

Did his heart had a sudden change? Or did he just hit his head? But I couldn't wish more for my day to be this wonderful! I feel like I've just been sent to Heaven.

I knew it. I feel much better whenever I'm around him. My heart isn't tricking me.


The Haitani brothers, together with Y/n, arrived at their destination where the event will take place. It was a special event hosted by the company they're working under.

"Oh wow. This place looks so extravagant." you said in awe.

"Says the one who bought a very expensive outfit." Rindou commented.

"Uh.. well, it's a special event so I just picked a dress that would fit the place." you responded.

"Let's go inside, shall we?" Ran asked, motioning the two to stand close to each other.

Lots of guests came to meet the Haitani brothers, letting you be pushed back and left out but Rindou didn't let that happen.

He held onto your arms and didn't let go of it until everyone who greeted them left.

Rindou exhaled and said, "You almost got lost in my sight."

"Should I be grateful to you?" you replied, chuckling.

"Uh.. uhm. Y/n?" he called.

"Yes, what is it?" you asked.

He was hesitant to say something, you could clearly see it by the looks of his face.

"Did I ever mention that you look beautiful in that dress?"

"Oh! No, you didn't mention anything."

"Well, you look beautiful in that dress. Yeah.."

"Uh.. is there anything else you want to say?"

"Why don't you go to Ran for a bit? I'll just uhm.. talk to the manager." Rindou said then quickly left your side.

'What.. was that about?' you asked yourself.

Following what Rindou told you, you stood next to Ran.

"Hey, Y/n. Where's Rindou?" Ran asked.

"He told me that he's gonna talk to the manager." you answered.

Ran looked confused as he spotted Rindou standing alone by the exit.

"Really? I wonder what is he talking about with the manager." Ran wondered, holding his laughter.

"Say, do you know all the people here?" you questioned.

"I guess I know pretty much everyone here except for the new ones. I haven't found my time to personally welcome them."

"Wow. You remember all of their faces and names? That's amazing!"

"Oh it's nothing, really. Ah, give me a second, Y/n. I just have to make a quick call. Stay right here." Ran spoke as he left.

'What's with the Haitani brothers leaving me, huh?'

Ran went to his brother to have a small chat. He was wondering why Rindou left you alone to just plainly stand by the exit door.

"Rin, what are you doing here? Why did you leave her?" Ran raised some questions.

"I'm sorry, Ran. I can't do it." Rindou said, low in confidence.

"What do you mean by that?" his older brother asked with a quite concerned look.

"I can't tell Y/n my true feelings for her. It's just.. something is stopping me."

"Are you scared?"

"I.. guess. I'm too attached to her now and the thought of her leaving me is just too heartbreaking."

Ran patted his brother's shoulder and said, "You can do it, Rin. Follow your heart and not your mind."

Rindou looked at him and finally he gains that courage he needs.

"I'll be going back to Y/n now. Don't mess up, Rindou." Ran said with a serious face on his last sentence.

Rindou simply nodded his head as a response.

End of Chapter 9 ✍️

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