Icy Kyungsoo

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You pushed his shirt up, just enough; you pressed your nose against his belly and inhaled against his smooth skin, he smelt like soap. Typical. He showered before you came over.  You bend your head down, so that your mouth collides with his stomach. 

He yelps at the sudden cold from the ice between your teeth. Trying to hold back your laughter you move your head, exploring new parts of his stomach with the ice. Circling around his belly button, his sensitive spot, you push on the ice so that your lips touch his belly too. He moans. You chuckle, making him moan more.

You place the bottom of your feet onto the tops of his. Using them almost as stools to push you up to the top of his chest. You find his neck, rubbing the ice in little circles from between your teeth. You turned up the side of his neck to his ear, placing the ice on his ear lobe for two seconds before sliding back down his face. You stop at his parted lips. Tracing them as if you were putting on lipstick. His bottom lip touches yours, and you want nothing more than to drop the ice and kiss him senseless. But you're having fun, he's having fun. You place the end of the ice into his mouth and he sucks on it a little bit, before you ease back down his chest. Passing his nipples, passing the lines on his stomach that prove he has been going to practice, and pausing at the waist line of his pants.

You greedily reach for the button, tilting your head back and sucking on the ice so it doesn't drip down your chin. Your fingers pop the button and find the zipper, flipping your hair out of your face so you can concentrate. You look down at the zipper unzipping it slowly making a face that you saw Kyungsoo do in commercials. You heard him hold his laughter, but you didn't mind. You mocked him often.

Throwing your left leg over his waist you pushed down on his pelvis from either side of his hips. You tugged on his pants and he pushed his waist up, letting you pull them off.  Taking the ice out of your mouth you drew a line right above of where his boxers started. Bending down, you followed the line you drew with your tongue, drinking it in.

His hand finds your face, pushing your chin up so he can look at you. You find his eyes, his beautiful eyes. He's smiling. He likes this. You knew he would, you always knew what Kyungsoo liked, it just took him time to go along with it. You stared back, trying your best to put as much I told you so, didn't I tell you so, into your stare.

He chuckled.

He pulled you by your chin closer to him, you popped the stub of ice back into your mouth meeting his eyes. You felt him growing against your thigh. He let out an exhale and looked at you.

"You're beautiful." He said just shy of a whisper. You stared at him. He had called you beautiful before, but you had never thought much of it. Somehow the situation made everything feel more real. If you thought about it too much, you would cry you knew that much. You pushed the ice to the inside of your cheek and smiled down at him.

"I know." You said. His eyebrows drew together for less than a second.

"Oh really?" He said, placing his hands on your sides. He pushed you back and flip you so you were beneath him. His lips found yours, warm from the lack of ice. He pushed against you, growing stronger, you moaned under his kiss. His tongue searched your mouth, finding the small peice of ice, robbing it from your mouth.

He slid down and sat just above your knees, locking you in place. He pulled your arm, jerking you from the bed. Your eyes widened in shock a smile spreading on your lips. Kyungsoo grabed the him of your black sweater and pulls it above your head. You hear the ice hit his teeth as he pushes it to the other side of his mouth.

He looks at you in your black bra and shorts, reaching around he puts his hands on your back, slowly gliding them down unlatching your bra as they go. With his hand on your lower back he leans you back kissing your neck. Suddenly there is something cold on your neck; the ice.

The cold ice on your burning flesh feels nice somehow. Your hand grabs the hair at the back of his neck tugging to pull him back, but he doesn't move. He moves down, removing the bra while he goes. Grabbing one breast and kissing the other with ice. You moan, and you feel the smile on your body thanks to the melting ice. He makes little circles with the ice around your nipples. Kneading the other breast all the while.

"Looks like we're out of ice," He says, looking up at you. An evil smile on his lips. "Should I go get more?" He asks, gesturing to the door. What is he doing? You ask yourself. He gently pulls your nipple making you moan.  

"Should I?" He teases.

You grab the back of his neck and pull him onto your lips. You kiss him gentle at first and then harder, when you try to pull back he follows you, not wanting to end the kiss. You pull your right leg out from between his legs and thrust up against his growing feelings for you. He parts from the kiss, moaning your name. Your favorite sound to ever come from his lips.

He slips his finger around the button of your black shorts, and rips them off without thinking about the zipper. He kisses you as he pulls down your underwear.

He parts from the kiss only to thrust into you. You inhale, feeling him all around you, deep inside you. Your walls work around him as both of you fill the room with your moans. Kyungsoo slowly pulls back, almost entirely out of you and then pushes back in, making you cry out. The slow torture is almost unbearable, but it feels so good. Becoming one with Kyungsoo. He thrusts into you again and you bite your lip from pure pleasure. Kyungsoo groans at the moans your granting him and the sound of his skin slapping against yours as they both fill the whole room. You cry his name as you latch to his shoulders. Running your nails down his back, letting him know that you were almost there.

"Baby..." He says between deep breaths.

"Yes." You say, not needing him to finish; he was close, and so were you. Please.  You think. I'm ready.

You explode around him as he comes into you. You bite your lip as you watch him fall onto the bed beside you panting, smiling.

God he's beautiful.

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