Apprehended By Chanyeol

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One of your hands was tied to the bed above your head, the other was free but laid still beside of your mostly naked body

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One of your hands was tied to the bed above your head, the other was free but laid still beside of your mostly naked body. You were wearing a black lace bra. The ones that look like it's just lace covering you because the base is flesh toned, and panties to match.

The blind fold was around your neck, he had just tied it. You didn't know when he was planing on using it but that made everything a bit more of a turn on.

"My baby girl." Chanyeol said as he looked down at your completed image.

Chanyeol walked along the bed fully clothed. He looked casual but stylish and, of course; extremely sexy. His hair was done to perfection and you could smell his wonderful soap even if you closed your eyes and tried to think of something else.

Chanyeol made it to the foot of the bed and grabbed your ankles. He slides to his knees and brings his chest to your feet to hold them. He inhaled sharply and sighed his exhale.

"There are so many things I want to do to you right now, Y/N ah." He said as he looked into your eyes.

You wanted him to do all of them. You could feel your body demanding it. You pick your hips up a bit and he chuckles at your movement. Chanyeol nods as he brings up one of his hands to your sex and pushes down until you're all the way back against the bed.

"Okay okay." He said.

His thumb started doing circles on your sex and you hum at the warm shivers that shoot through your body. Your hips push up again. This time softer, over and over as you quickly bring your lip into your mouth.

"I won't tease you." He says with a smile. Your eyes narrow as your thoughts race.

That didn't sound like Chanyeol.

His thumb pressed down on your clit causing you to moan. He does it again and you moan harder. Again and your back starts arching. Once more and your legs start trying to push together, but his hand moves to hold down your thigh. You open your eyes to look at him.

"Well, not too much."

Now that, sounded like Chanyeol.

Chanyeol removed his hand from your heat and it suddenly became cold without him. He groaned softly as he lowered his head and kissed the lace design. You mewled as he kissed just above your waistband and bite your lip as he keeps coming.

Chanyeols hands were up on either side of your head as his body slowly rose. You pick your chest up for his lips and he smiled as he kissed each of your breasts, while looking you in the eyes.

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